⊪ fourteen

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When the door opens, I'm met with the scowling face of a woman. I recognize her from before, she helped me get ready the day I was brought here.

"Come," she snarls, reaching for me.

"O-Ok," I jump up, following her out. Last time, I couldn't understand them, at least I'll be able to follow her commands now. Hopefully that will result in a smoother experience.

"Nasty little beast," she growls, yanking me down the ramp.

Or, maybe, there isn't anything I can do to ease her dislike of me.

The other women are already gathered in the room that she shoves me into. They look awful. Dark circles under their eyes, tear streaks on their cheeks and trembles wracking their bodies.

They aren't bruised or beaten but they are clearly not sure of what is happening right now.

With an irritated grunt, I'm pushed toward the shower tubes again. She doesn't give me a command, she just moves my body around the room.

The other women yelp and struggle as they are roughly ushered forward. Their handlers are getting more and more angry as they fight against them.

"Relax. They're just going to clean us again." I try to calm them down. "Don't struggle!"

The shower is the same as before, long and layered with steps. Different liquids fill then drain, over and over again. I close my eyes and calm my body, letting the process happen around me. Fighting against it won't do anything but annoy our handlers that obviously don't like us anyway. I'm not going to give them any more reason.

When we are cleaned to perfection again, the tubes disappear into the floor and we're left alone, naked.

"Why do they keep doing this? What are they getting us ready for?"

The others are panicking.

"Today is the ceremony for the warriors." I try to calm them down. "We're going to be presented to the alien that we've been staying with. "

"What does that mean?" They look completely lost. They obviously haven't been clued in to anything.

Sitting down, I try to explain everything to them. I don't know everything but some information is better than none. I can't imagine what they've been thinking for the last several days - sitting in a room with an alien with no understanding of what is happening around them.

"How do you know all of this? Does your alien talk to you?" They look bewildered.

"Yes, he gave me an implant." I show them the small metal ball behind my ear. "I can understand them. Are you being treated well? I know your aliens aren't speaking to you but are they feeding you?"

"Yes." They all nod in unison. "I had meat for the first time in years."

The guilt that had been building in my chest dissolves some. Maybe their aliens don't talk to them or explain things but at least they've been feeding them.

"So, we're here for them to have sex with?" One of them picks at her fingers, slowly processing what is about to happen to us.


"Have you seen that they have two cocks?" One of them squeaks.

By the red that tints everyone's cheeks, it's clear that we are all very aware.

"I'm Shasta, by the way," I awkwardly introduce myself to Jen, Fiona and Darcy.

Then they do something I hate, something that always sours my mood. They ask me where I was from before.

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