⋕ seventeen

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"Wait!" I sit up, jolting out of a near dead sleep.

He turns at the door, waiting, with no expression on his face. I'm always surprised by this. In a reversed situation, I would have been startled by the sudden yell, then curious as to why he did it. But not him.

"Will you see if the other women are still here?"

"No." He turns to leave again.

"Wait!" I swing my legs out of bed. "Why not?"

"It is not my place to question the lives and decisions of my unit outside of the training field."

"I'm not asking you to question them, I just want to figure out what happened to the others. Are they still here? Did they get sent away?" I'm talking faster and faster. "I'm just checking on them. They're the only other humans here, I just want to know if they are alright, or if they're even still around."

His brows furrow. "You are a strange being, Shasta of Earth."

"I just want to know if they're alright." I already said that, but he doesn't seem to understand.

"I will not ask, but I will look for them, will that please you?"

"Yes, thank you." I'll take what I can get.

He turns around again and starts to leave.

"Wait." I blurt out before I can stop myself.

"What now?"

"Where are you going?" I cringe at my neediness.

"To train."

"Can I come watch you?" My cheeks flood red.

"You want to watch me?" If he was confused before, now he's completely flabbergasted.

"Yeah, if that's allowed."

"Come." He doesn't wait for me to add anything else, he's out the door and halfway down the ramp before I run the few steps to follow him.

I'm not sure why I asked to come. I don't particularly enjoy watching people fight or be ripped to shreds. I've seen enough bloodshed, it's not something I find entertaining. But I like being close to him.

Just as before, he takes me down into the deepest depths of the crystal dome. The white training room is as cold and sterile as it was last time. This time, I know what's coming. Taking a deep breath, I prepare myself for the carnage that's about to play out in front of me.

When the wall moves away, revealing the muddy training grounds behind it, a sound comes out of my throat that I can only describe as true horror.

Standing just a few feet in front of me, almost close enough to touch her, is one of the other women. Darcy, maybe?

On instinct, I jump to my feet, running toward the open fields.

"Woman." I'm grabbed from behind and held tight against his body.

"Help her!" I struggle in his grip. "Why is-" I realize as the words spill from my lips that she looks alright. She's dressed, clean and I can't see any injuries. She's turned slightly, looking out beyond us at the fields.

"Woman of Earth," he calls out to her, his voice growly and aggressive. I'm pretty sure he's mad at me.

When she turns around, I can see that my panic was completely without cause. I don't know why she's out there, but she's fine.

"Hi Shasta!" She actually smiles, stepping out of the training arena and into the room, the mud caking her feet leaves dirty footprints across the floor.

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