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What did I do? I thought that was what he wanted. He seemed so violated. I know what it's like to have someone touching you and feeling powerless against it. I've become one of the things I hate the most.

I ruined everything. He's probably finding a horrible place to stick me until I die a slow death.

My mind races in every direction at once. I don't know what my purpose is here but so far, it seems better than anything I've known up until this point. This could have been a good thing, maybe.

When the door opens and he comes back in, he's in the same state as when we left the fighting grounds earlier - covered in mud and the blood of everyone he destroyed.

Holding my breath, I watch him shower again. This time, I try to keep my eyes down but I peek more than once. It's almost impossible not to.

They are mesmerizing.

He's looking at me. I can feel his eyes on me but I don't dare look at him. I keep my eyes trained on something safe, his two massive cocks.

They're rock hard and pulsating, just like earlier. They look angry, like he needs release. The Monturians were so disgusting in comparison. They were so gray and floppy with thick, wiry hair growing at the base. His is... hard to compare. I don't feel repulsed. His breaths, the tortured sounds, the way he holds his hands at his sides, clenching his fists together - he's struggling.

This time, he doesn't come out of the bathroom naked. He pulls another black jumpsuit up over his body, rolling the sleeves over his forearms. When he steps out, he closes the panel and sits down on the single stool, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, studying me.

"Why do you sit on the floor?" He finally asks.


"When I found you, you were on the ground. The moment we return, you immediately sit down there. Why?" He looks confused. "Is it a human trait?"

"With the Monturians we had to either stand or kneel. We weren't allowed on their furniture. The chairs were for them. Our beds were the only furniture we had."

"We have different rules here. You may use the furniture."

"Thank you," I pick at the rug. There isn't another chair, so even with the invitation, I don't move.

"Our ceremony will be in four lunar cycles."

"What ceremony?" Panic immediately starts to rise to high alert. My lungs tighten up, seizing so I can barely breathe.

He sits up straighter, his demeanor becoming more serious. "I am uncut."

This explanation does absolutely nothing for me. "What does that mean? What does that have to do with a ceremony?"

"I have never found release."

"What?" I'm not quite sure what he's saying.

"This station is solely for soldiers. We are chosen on the day of our birth for honor and distinction. We live our lives here, training and claiming territory for Astrynia. When we have reached the position of Apex Enforcer, we are given the gift of physical release."

"Physical release?" I gulp.

"I have earned the privilege of sex." He seems incredibly proud of himself.

"With me?" My stomach starts to cramp up in knots.

"Yes, I have chosen you."

His words hit me like punches to the gut.

"Don't you have women that want to have sex with you? You have to pick an unwilling person from a planet that you destroyed?" The words tumble out of my mouth as tears well up in my eyes.

This might not be the right moment, but this is the moment that it's happening. All of the anger that I've ever felt comes boiling to the surface. The destruction of my planet, my life as a pet to be used at the discretion of others, being given away like a possession - it's all too much.

He doesn't say anything, he just looks at me with a cold, harsh expression on his face.

"You don't even care, do you? You just go around taking whatever you want! I'm a person, a living, breathing being! I'm not a thing to be bought and sold! Why not have a willing partner?" I force the words out through sobbing.

"Apex Enforcers do not have partners. We will not be partners. You are for pleasure, to give me the pleasure I have earned. I am not seeking a wife." He speaks slowly, confusion etched into his face.

"The pleasure you've earned." I shudder. "What about me?"

"I do not understand." It's clear the thought never occurred to him. "What about you?"

"What about what I deserve? What about everything I have done? Haven't I earned some kind of peace?" Tears drip down my cheeks.

"You do not understand the universe. The last warrior standing wins everything. You do not earn peace, you make it, taking it by force. Astrynia has peace because we provide it. We are here, a hedge of protection guarding the men, women and children of our race from those that wish them harm. They are not owed that, we provide it, because we can." The expression on his face makes me irrationally angry.

"So, what you're saying is that if I want to be left alone, if I want peace, I have to kill you for it?"

"If you could kill me, yes, you would have earned the peace that comes with it." There isn't even a hint of anger in his voice, none.

I can't kill him. We both know that. Even if I could get my hands on a weapon, I could never injure him with it.

"Weeping does nothing." He stands, staring down at me over the tip of his nose. I feel useless and weak in his horned shadow. "Accept your fate or fight it, those are your options. Do not weep, I dislike it."

"Sorry," I wipe my hands over my face, drying up my pitiful tears.


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