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My feet never touch the ground. It's as if we flew to his room.

As soon as the door closes behind him, I'm pressed so hard into the wall I'm afraid I'm going to end up on the other side of it.

"Why?" He growls, his nails biting into my skin.

"You're going to kill those helpless little - whatever they are? Why? How could you be so cruel and horrible? Why can't you try to negotiate with them? Trade resources with them instead of wiping them out to steal their home! What gives you the right?"

"I am bigger and stronger. That is what gives me the right. We do not negotiate and we do not trade. Allowing your race to be dependent on others opens the door for trouble. We want the resources that their planet has to offer. We are capable of taking them, so we will. This is the way of the universe." He doesn't skip a beat. He answers with his chest. He believes this to be true and it doesn't make him sick to his stomach.

My mouth is gaping open, hanging slack in shock. I can't think of a response. It's useless anyway, there is no way I can convince him anyway.

"You disgust me." I try to push the full weight of my fury into my words but the small, choked sob that comes out after kills the effect.

"Do not weep!" The volume of his voice shakes the floor beneath my feet. "They do not deserve your tears! You cry and you hurt for them but they would reduce this planet to rubble if they could. They would crush you, Shasta of Earth. They may be small and weak, but if they were not, they would do exactly as we do! If you do not eat your enemies, they will eat you! It is the only way. If you allow those around you to live, that weakness will be your downfall. I carry the weight of my nation on my shoulders. Every man, woman, and child that lives on Astrynia looks to me to ensure they are safe. I am an Apex Warrior. I have devoted myself to protecting their way of life. If that means that I must crush everything else that moves, then so be it."

"One day, you will need mercy and there will be no one to give it." I wipe the tears from my cheeks.

He stares down at me, looking over his nose. When he steps forward, I recoil back into the wall, pressing myself flat against it. His hand comes up and grips my neck. It's only a light squeeze but it's enough to infuriate me.

It's a show of power. He can crush me, we both know it. He doesn't need to physically overpower me to get the point across.

Reaching my hand out, I grab one of his cocks and squeeze hard.

His grip on my neck tightens and his glaring eyes narrow.

"You want to go there with me?" He grabs me so quickly I don't realize I'm no longer touching the ground until my face hits the wall that was once behind me.

He rips the dress off me like a scrap of paper and throws it across the room. I'm naked and vulnerable. I hate it but I find myself trembling, longing for him.

Anger and lust battle inside my head, fighting all the way down my body to the place that aches between my legs. I hate him. I want to make him hurt the way he makes me hurt. I want to break his heart - if only he had one.

Throwing my head back with as much force as I can muster, I hit him in the face.

He makes a sound that vibrates and gushes deep in my belly. It's so angry, but also, full of need. My face is pushed forward, slamming into the wall, busting my lip. The iron taste of blood fills my mouth and fire fills my veins.

I'm weightless in his arms, he spins me around again like I'm nothing. His bloody lips meet mine in a vicious kiss. My broken lips sting and blood smears across my face but I don't back away from it. If he can take it, so can I.

Just to up the ante - I bit into his lower lip, hard. He snarls into my mouth and his hips press forward, pushing the crowns of his cocks against me.

His hand tightens around my neck. I push against his face, two of my fingers slipping into his mouth. He bites down, not hard enough to break skin but enough to hurt. When I yelp, he forces one of his cocks into my waiting pussy. It's violent and rough, it hurts and feels so good it makes me scream.

The tightness around my throat flattens my scream into a hoarse moan. All of my fury is building into something I'm sure will kill me. He rocks into me so forcefully that my body slams into the wall.

"You dare raise your hand to me?" He speeds up, thrusting so hard and fast I can't breathe.

I want to respond, to yell, to be rude and snarky, to tell him how much I truly hate him. I want to tell him how I long for the day that he meets an opponent that will destroy him. He deserves to feel it, the helplessness, the despair.

None of that comes out of my mouth, instead, I gasp into the air. A weak, pathetic sound that doesn't convey my rage.

"You are mine, mine for pleasure. Do not lift your hand to me again unless you mean to do something about it. If you were anyone else, they would be cleaning your insides from the floor and walls." His jaw ticks before he leans in, giving me another blood-soaked kiss.

The vulgar wet sound of our skin slapping together fills in the gaps of our grunts and moans. I'm so close to the edge, a single breath could push me over.

"Let me feel you, Shasta of Earth. Give me the depths of your pleasure." He bites into my shoulder and my body breaks down. I don't want to give him what he's asking for, he doesn't deserve it, but I can't stop. It's a tidal wave.

The force of it robs me of sight, I drift in and out of consciousness. The rippling effect of so much sensation jammed into my body is like sensory overload. My stomach clenches, holding him tight as he twitches inside me, releasing all of his pent-up rage.

He carries me to the bed, dropping me into it before climbing in after me.

"You need to let go of the misguided ideals in your head. There is no justice, no fairness or kindness. We take matters into our own hands, if you do not, someone else will." He moves the damp hair from my face. "There is no hate or malice in my heart. I do not enjoy the act of killing but I do what needs to be done and I will not apologize for it."

Sighing, I roll onto my side, our bloody faces only inches apart. "My family was slaughtered."

"They are part of the universe now."

"Are all of the Monturians dead?" I hope they are.

"Most are." He rests his hand on my hip, rubbing my skin.


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