⌤ thirty-nine

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Watching him pace around the room is making me tired. I've watched him from my curled up position on the bed for what feels like hours.

I wonder if he knows I'm awake.

He's troubled. I can feel it hanging like a thick fog in the room.

It's in his steps, in his ragged breaths and the way the tight muscles in his shoulders are hunched.

"Come here." I scoot my body back, holding one arm open to receive him.

"Did I wake you?"

"No." Of course he did but it wasn't his pacing, it was the absence of his warmth beside me in bed.

Reaching up, I run the tips of my fingers over the grooves and ridges in his horns. It surprises me that he takes this comfort. He leans into my touch, leans into me.

"Are you ok?"

"I am not."

I knew that. Having your whole world thrown off balance is hard to cope with. The silence around us is uneasy. I won't push too hard, just hold him and hope it helps.

" I have been faithful to my oath. I did everything asked of me. Until you, I forsook all pleasure. I gave them safety and planets - anything they wanted, everything they asked for. I burned worlds to ash to give them resources. My people live in luxury. Astrynia is one of the richest in this galaxy and that was built on the back of the warriors. My mentor was freed of his oath, honored and sent to paradise to live the rest of his days in peace. I was pleased for him. I stood on the platform and watched his ship go. To find out now that as I saw him off, he was flying to his death is unbearable to me. He was not a mediocre warrior, he was the best of us. He deserved what was promised to him."

Everything spills out of him.

"I feel unsteady. I have never been unsure of my path. It was laid out before my feet. I have never felt the gnawing of the unknown."

"I have and I know you'll figure it out." I attempt to be supportive but he pulls me up, settling my body on top of his.

"We have a plan in place. As the planet turns away from the closest security station, I will allow Amarith to sneak her ship into our hangar. It will be early, the entire station will be in training. Rousur will display the information for all to see as I move you to the hangar." He pushes his hand underneath his baggy shirt to touch my skin. The tips of his claws scrape softly over my skin.

"Is Amarith your friend's girlfriend?"

He hums, "She was his woman, yes. She will take you to another planet until I can come to you."

"I don't want to leave you." I hold onto him tightly, suddenly very afraid of what the future without him would look like.

"I will come for you. I will know my offspring. Enough of my life has been stolen for lies." He scrapes his nails again, sending a rush of shivers down my spine.

"So, you want the baby now?"

"I never said I did not want, just that I could not." He slips his hand lower.

"Are we safe here tonight?" It feels dangerous lying here in this bed while enemies lurk right outside the door. I have a feeling, the urge to run. It won't leave me alone.

"Yes. They will not come for you while I am here. Next time they try, you will not be here."

I wiggle, settling my body into his, feeling the heat from his skin.

"What's going to happen after everyone sees that there is no special place?"

"There will be confusion, whether there is revolt and rebellion or not, I don't know. It will buy time for you to escape." He rolls, settling his body over the top of mine. "Stay with Amarith and keep hidden. I will come for you."

Spreading my legs wider, I make room for him. "I'll be careful."

"Be more than careful, Shasta, be silent and invisible." He growls, rolling his hips forward.

"I will. You too, promise me that you'll be careful too." I take his face in my hands, trying to look stern.

"I will not take unnecessary risks." He counters my request with a reasonable and fair response.

"I'll take that." I kiss him, pressing my mouth to his softly at first but then my tongue slips between his lips. All of my hesitation fades away. He moves with me, the taste of his tongue making me crazy.

"I will make you remember me while you are gone. I want you to feel me with each movement you make." He rumbles, rubbing himself between my legs.

"Please," I'm already begging, heat running through my body. I melt into him, letting him consume my body. He is moving too slowly. I can feel how much he wants me. It's pressing hard into my stomach.

The thought occurs to me, the horrible, awful realization that he is about to send me away and I don't know when I will see him. When, not if. Even the slightest hint of doubt there makes tears well up in my eyes.

"I will find you, don't doubt it." He slides forward, slipping onto me with his lower cock. This drives me wild, the top rubs against my achy bundle of nerves.

He rocks forward and pulls back, massaging me inside and out. Both cocks work together to make me feel so good that all of my fears are pushed aside. My mind is blank, a white canvas that he is filling with color each time he forces his way in.

My back arches, my body pressing into his, seeking his warmth, longing to be closer.

He licks and nips at my skin, pressing kisses to every inch of my neck and down onto my shoulders. It's too soft and sweet, it feels like goodbye. I can't find the words to ask for more, to ask him to use me instead.

I float up, higher and higher until the muscles in my stomach clench painfully tight and a low sound is drawn out of my throat. He latches his lips over mine, swallowing my moans as he loses himself in release.

Lying still in the dark, I cling to him. The high comes down and it brings with it all of my fears of the unknown. They can only be kept away for so long.

"Sleep, I will bring you to the hangar soon, until then, rest." His voice is quiet but fully awake. "I will be awake and aware. Nothing will come for you."

He jinxed it. The second the words left his mouth, there is a pounding against the door.

"It is Rousur." He jumps up and throws a bag and a shirt onto the bed. "Put these on."

⚡Read the completed story + start the sequel and unlock 30 other adult romance titles at patreon.com/MyrandaRae


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