⊛ thirty-seven

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A/n: I hope you'll enjoy a double update today, my loves. Happy reading!


As I walk down the ramp, everyone parts before me, moving out of my path. All of them have the same horrified looks on their faces. They can all smell the soft green mini-destroyer. Great.

At the bottom, with nowhere left to escape, I spin around.

He's behind me. Of course, he is.

"I didn't think this through." I cross my arms. "I don't know how to fly a ship, even if I could steal one, then I don't know where to go. Also, everyone knows now, so there's that."

He doesn't speak, he just stands there, watching me. He still looks furious but I don't think he's going to kill me now.

"What happened on your trip?"

"Right now that does not matter." He reaches out and grabs my arm.

"Why not?" I yank my arm away. "Did you figure out whatever you needed to figure out?"

"Shasta, do not make me punish you. Come."

"No." Not this time, buddy. Last time, I was into it, right now, that, is the furthest thing from my mind.

His neck rolls and his hands clench. "Do not do this now."

I'm going to chalk this up to hormones but I feel out of control. I'm angry and any fear I would normally have is gone. I have too much at stake here. He's not allowed to shut me up this time.

"I don't want to be around you right now." Each second that passes my anger grows. This is more his fault than mine.

The rage on his face morphs into surprise. "I will bring you back to my quarters and I will sleep elsewhere. You cannot roam freely here. You are not safe, especially in this condition."

"In this condition." I repeat, the words sinking in like a weight. In this condition. This condition usually ends with a baby. It's not going to happen tomorrow but there is a finite amount of time that we have to make a decision about this. The clock has already begun ticking.

I have to get out of here. It's the only option that sees me and now a child survive.

"Take me back to the room." I need time to think.

Wordlessly, he takes my arm and gently pulls me so that I'm walking in front of him. The silence pounds in my head all the way up the ramp. No one even breathes.

"I will bring you sustenance." He tells me before closing the door.

I'm not sure how long I have but I know it won't be much. Deep down in parts of him that I think even he doesn't understand, he cares for me - in his own alien way. I'll appeal to that. It's the only shot I have.

Pacing around the room, I practice my speech.

"What will they do to us? I know you can't have a child but do you really want it to be killed? Do you want me to be killed? Will they punish you? This was an accident, neither of us purposely did this, we don't deserve to die over it. Let me go, release me and I'll-"

The door opens and he comes in with a tray effectively silencing my rambling.

"Who are you talking to?" He looks around the room.


"Are you unwell?" He looks around again, still searching for someone.

"Listen, we need to talk about this." I dive in. I'll lose my nerve if I wait any longer.

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