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"Are you going to eat?" I stare awkwardly at my hands.


Things have been tense between us. He has been distant, I have been distant. It's hanging in the air above us. I can't speak for him but I know I have things to say. I just don't know how. I'm angry at him for bringing me that day. I'm struggling to reconcile that so many people died.

He stands, walking toward the door. This has become our new normal. He is gone when I wake, he returns with food, then leaves again. Each night he comes in covered in blood and dirt. We don't say a word. There is a canyon between us and I don't know how to bridge it.

"Wait," I jump up after him.

"Why?" He spins around suddenly and I bump into his chest.

"I just- I think-"

With disdain on his face, he waits while I stumble through my thoughts. All of my anger is gone. After a few days, it evaporated. As much as I hate what happened - and I really do - it wasn't his fault.

"I think we should talk."

"There is nothing to discuss." He turns to leave but I grab his hand.

"It's been days! Tell me why you're mad and I'll tell you why I am. We should-"

"What possible reason could you have to be angry? I have done everything you asked of me. I brought you to Terinnia and gave you the opportunity to save your kind. Then, when they attacked, I protected you."

"Why are you mad at me?" I shrink back feeling too vulnerable. The most pressing question, the one I've been considering and reconsidering for days is why do I care so much?

"You disappointed me."

Those words hit like a physical punch to my chest. That is worse than anything I imagined him saying.

"Why? Because I didn't instantly jump at the chance to convince those men to have themselves auctioned off to the highest bidder? You know what I dealt with before coming here? I helped in the end, I talked him down! I needed a moment to think about it. You can't give me the silent treatment forever because -″ the words clog my throat as realization hits me.

I wasn't an obedient enough pet. I disobeyed like an untrained dog. My mouth snaps closed and I drop my head down. I don't want him to see the tears welling up in my eyes.

"Why are you crying?" His voice is ice cold and biting.

"I'm not sure," a bitter laugh bubbles up in my throat. "I should be used to this. I'm nothing more than a pet. You protect me, sure, but at the end of the day, I belong to you. I'm yours to do with as you please. Sorry I didn't obey your commands." I withdraw into myself. I can feel my soul pulling inward, hiding in my chest.

He growls and grabs me, pulling my body toward his but I keep my gaze on the ground.

"I am not accustomed to anyone disobeying my commands. I give an order and it is followed."

I nod, moving backwards to put space between us.

"You are infuriating. You are small and weak yet you would raise your fist to me. You disobey. You dare challenge my control even though I could kill you with no effort. It makes my insides churn." He grabs me, holding me in both hands.

Speechless, I stare at him. He growls and pulls me out of the room. It all happens so quickly, it makes my head spin. One minute we're standing in the room, our eyes locked, and the next he's practically running down the ramp with me in his arms.

"Where are you taking me?"

He doesn't respond, it's as if he's in a trance, he doesn't look at me, or make a sound, or stop his purposeful strides into the hangar. He walks all the way to the end, and brings me into a small crystal ship.

"I do not like this." His voice shakes when he speaks. Unbridled rage flows through him as he angrily maneuvers us out of the hangar and into the air.

"What? You don't like what?" I don't know if I'm supposed to understand what he's talking about but I don't. There are some clues that I missed somewhere.

He is going so fast I feel the force of the air around us, pressing me back into my seat.

"Where are we going?"

He doesn't answer this time either. He just continues to whatever destination he has in mind.

"I am an Apex Warrior. I am the pride of my people. I do what needs to be done and I do not apologize for it. You do not dictate my actions." His voice is low and menacing. It sends a chill down my spine.

"I know that." I knot my trembling fingers in my lap.

"I do not answer to you. We were attacked and we killed them all. From this moment forward, I do not want to see that look on your face."

"What look?" I haven't been giving him any look, not intentionally anyway.

"Despair and sadness." He snarls.

"I'm upset because you're mad at me! I hate feeling like a pet. You always make me feel like we're... I don't know... more. Until today, I never really felt like I was your property. You make me feel like-" I think I know where he's taking me.

We're flying into the light.

"Are you taking me back to the desert?"

"I am."

"Why?" My lips tremble. To abandon me there? To kill me?

"Because I need privacy and space."

My throat goes as dry as the sand we're about to land on. He might kill me but not in the way I thought.

"You cannot fight. You have no training or skills. Yet, for some reason..."

His voice stops, a rumble vibrating in his chest as he hovers the ship over the sand. All of the shimmering pieces are gone but that's hardly interesting at the moment.

"For some reason, what?" I lean forward, begging him to finish the sentence.

"Come." He drops the ship into the sand easily and opens the door. "I have something to show you."

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