Chapter Three

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Narrator pov:

'after leaving the school, the five of them went around the town showing tanjiro what's new and revisiting old shops'

tanjiro:"ah! can we stop here? there's a person I want to say hi"

kanae:"I don't see why not!"

'kanae parked her car and everyone got out except inosuke who is asleep in the back'

tanjiro:"are you sure it's a good idea to keep him in there?"

shinobu:"this isn't the first time and it doesn't end up horribly so it's okay"

kanao:"tanjiro what is that shop?"

tanjiro:"it's kinda like an accessory shop, old man saburo owns it"

kanae:"and you know the owner?"

tanjiro:"yep! he and I go way back"

'the four of them entered the shop and the butterfly sisters were amazed by what saburo's shop is offering'

kanae:"Waaaaa! look at these accessories! they look so cute!"

shinobu:"how come this shop isn't publicly known!? there's all sorts of beautiful things that any women would like to have!"

kanao:*notice a necklace* "w-wait tanjiro, isn't this the same necklace you gave me eight years ago?"

tanjiro:"hm? oh! I really can't believe he took the bet"


tanjiro:"what I meant was that necklace is not the original one, the you have is...old man saburo bet that if I gave it away he'll make copies of it"

kanao:"oh okay but why would you two bet on something like that?"

'tanjiro looked at the copied necklace, remembering what that necklace meant to him'

tanjiro:*smile* "you can say I bragged about not giving it to anyone"

kanao:"ah I you want it-"

tanjiro:"no thank you, I would like you to have it"

kanao:*small blush* "o-oh okay, just know that if you ever want it back your more than welcome"

tanjiro:"okay okay I'll make sure to remember that"

'the butterfly sisters went around the shop seeing all kinds of amazing accessories, tanjiro waited at the counter for saburo'

tanjiro:(hmm by now he should've been awake)

saburo:*comes outs from the storage room* "ow my back, I need to get a new couch"

tanjiro:"ah! old man saburo! I'm glad your still alive and well!"

saburo:"hm? OH! IS THAT YOU KID?"

tanjiro:"of course it's me! who else has hair like mine and scar as well?"

saburo:"OH! IT'S SO GOOD TO SEE YOU AGAIN KIDDO!" *hugs him*

tanjiro:*hugs back* "yeah same"

'saburo breaks the hug and grabs a chair that tanjiro used to sit on whenever he visits him, tanjiro sat down while saburo prepared hot water'

saburo:"same drink as always?"

tanjiro:"oh c'mon you don't have to do that"

saburo:"for old time sake damnit" *chuckles*

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