Chapter Sixteen

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-2 months later-

Narrator pov:

'The murder of the international psychopath criminal was now know throughout the entire world, multiple of muzan men decided to confirm what muzan have been doing not only to other people's lives but their lives as well, including a man named hakuij Soyama who was forced to work under muzan because he held his wife koyuki hostage, thanks to the incredible intelligence of detective Jeff who had some information from others who served under muzan they managed to track hakuij's wife and rescue her'

{note from author: hakuij is akaza's human name in Manga}

'even after helping so many people The chief detective couldn't take a break because he was stressed.......he felt bad and guilty consumed him...... working did not get his attention away from tanjiro, the one person he can consider a friend in both work and normal life'

Jeff:"tanjiro.......I'm sorry.....I should've dragged you with me.....I wonder how his friends are handling his situation.....well.....I know one person isn't handling it decently"

nezuko:*comes through the door* "u-um hi D-Detective!"

Jeff:"hm? Ah! hello nezuko, what can I do for you?"

nezuko:"I-I was wondering if you have s-spare time o-or working now"

Jeff:"I'm free"

'Nezuko beamed with happiness, ever since her brother was put in the hospital she didn't know what to do but Jeff had made a promise to himself that he would take care of nezuko, he kept her close to him Incase of anyone would try and hurt her, he was a bit saddened when he saw her COMPLETELY uncomfortable with the amount of tension between everyone around her in the station and investigation'

Nezuko:"I was knew my brother a lot right?"

Jeff:"Yes that much is true, are you worried about him?"

Nezuko:"y-yes but.....If there is anything that I learned from him before what happened two months ago was that I should always be brave and I shouldn't cry all the time"

Jeff:*smirks* "ah I bet that is the case, now can you tell me what you want?"

Nezuko:".........d-did you know what he was doing his entire life?"

Jeff:"yes I did....after all I have indeed worked with him for about twelve years and 3 months"

Nezuko:"ah! that makes things a lot easier then! can you tell me what he was like during his time working with you and the police?"

Jeff:"......I Think you should-"

Nezuko:"P-please! I always knew that he had changed but was trying his best to show the he didn't so....I want to know..."

Jeff:"......if you were to hear his time working with me then you-" *looks into her eyes*

'Nezuko's eye were filled with intense bravery it was a fragile but one look at her and you would doubt your own courage'

Jeff'(heh same eye same blood and flesh) "alright you convinced me but please don't be scared about of your brother after you hear this"

Nezuko:*nods* "I won't be because even if he did a lot of bad things I'm sure that he did it for a good reason"

Jeff:"even if the acts seems cruel and inhuman?"

Nezuko:*gulps and nods* "y-yes, B-Big brother d-did it because h-he wanted to know where muzan is, and I'm sure he was angry the entire time"

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