Chapter Seven

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Narrator pov:

'tanjiro and kanao took an uber to a specific police station, kanao was confused on why their destination was so specific, the driver who is single wanted advice on how to be in a relationship'

driver:"Soo you two are a couple?"

tanjiro:"um yeah that's correct"

kanao:"do you have a problem with it?" *serious*

driver:"no no of course not! I just wanted some advice....I'm single you see"

tanjiro:"o-oh.... that's sad...b-but Don't worry I'm sure someone will come along the away"

kanao:"honestly we don't have any advice to give you, the way we fell in love is.... complicated"

driver:*sad* "oh......I guess I just was hoping too much"

tanjiro:"ehehehe...uhh well good luck on finding your special person"

driver:*stops at the police station* "heh thanks kid, anyways here's your stop and this cost five bucks"

tanjiro:"f-five?....." *crying from the inside*

'tanjiro payed the driver, he barely had anymore money in his pockets, the both of them got out of the driver's car and started to walk towards the police station'

kanao:"so tanjiro, why are we here exactly? and why this specific station?"

tanjiro:"you'll see why, you remember when we were waiting for the Uber to come I told my story to you"

kanao:"yes and I'm sorry for all the hardships you had to endure..."

tanjiro:"hey it's fine....if I hadn't met you then I would've probably gone insane"

kanao:"h-huh?! b-but we only played for a day a-and we didn't play for that long!"

tanjiro:"true but even so that little amount of time gave me enough happiness to make it through, so thanks" *gives her a kiss*

kanao:"u-uh I-I.. it's n-no p-problem!"

???:*walks out of the station* "well my shift is over time to get something to eat"

tanjiro:"hm? Oh! hey! officer Jeff! over here!"

Jeff:"huh? Oh! it's you kid!" *walks over to him*

kanao:(seems like they both know each other, how many people has tanjiro met?)

tanjiro:"it's been awhile how have you been?" *extends for a handshake*

Jeff:*shakes his hand* "doing fantastic! I'm no longer an officer Three years ago I became a detective"

tanjiro:"Holy moly! congrats! you achieved your dream goal!"

Jeff:"hahaha thanks to you that I made it this far" *notice kanao*

kanao:*flinches a bit*

Jeff:"hey tan? are you going to introduce your friend or not?"

tanjiro:" oh! yeah Jeff this is Kanao, kanao this is Jeff I'm working with him to find the culprit who put my family in the hospital"

kanao:"o-oh! I see w-well nice to meet you detective"

Jeff:"same here, tanjiro I thought you weren't comfortable with telling anybody about your story"

tanjiro:"yeah but... she's my girlfriend and she kind overheard my conversation with old man saburo"

Jeff:"first: how is saburo? second: You were living your life while I was working my a## trying to find the culprit?"

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