Chapter Fifteen

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Muzan pov:

'I arrived at the hospital where the Kamado family that I thought I had killed reside in,I killed anyone and everyone insight, while activating the what I assumed safety protocols to make sure that the Kamado's do not escape nor does anyone else interfer with the process'

*reaches a level below room 457*
"hm....350... that's how many rooms I have counted, I will not take any risks, The Kamado family bloodline can not allowed to exist, their children do not know of me but their ancestors do.....if the young children of this generation do tap into their inherited memories then my life will be torn to shreds"

'I walked around still finding them but to no avail, I know they are here somewhere but....if they did manage to escape or they were discharged before I arrived then I need to escape, anyways I stopped in my tracks when I saw someone standing at the end of the hallway next to an elevator'

(hmm it's seems like a young lady, but what is she wearing on her head? well.... doesn't matter...she needs to die) *loads his AK-47 and then shoots a few bullets at her*

kanao:*easily dodges it*

"huh? that's weird, no Normal citizen can dodge bullets"

kanao:"....... that's the gifted part Muzan....I'm born different........"

(What!? how does this girl know my name!?)
"you just signed your death!" *rushes at her while shooting*
Kanao pov:

'I found him......I finally found the bastard........the one person who changed my beloved boyfriend life....from a loving one to a torturing life, I couldn't contain my excitement....I was so glad....I never thought I would get the chance....To Rip him to shreds with my own bare hands...."

*easily dodges the bullet and jumps above muzan*


*grabs his head with her hands and slams it into the ground*

Muzan:*slowly looks at her* "GAH! W-WHAT KIND O-OF INHUMAN-BLASTED WOMAN ARE YOU!?" *has a knife and tries to stap her*

*dodging effortlessly* "oh~muzan You have no Idea how long I waited for this.....even tho it was only a day, It felt like Weeks... Months....Years....all for the sole purpose of killing you" *uses a shotgun and shoots his left arm*


"no no no how Dare YOU! How dare you turn my tanjiro's life into a miserable living Hell, you hurt him physically and mentally, so much has happened to him......lost..... regret..... sadness......pain... terrified....cold and hard loneliness.... torture.... agony..and now.... DEPRESSION....I lost him...I lost that beautiful kind warm boy the one who helped me and it's because of YOU" *Shoots his left leg*

'Muzan was in immense amount of pain, I slowly but surely started walking close to him I didn't want him to die right here and there, No no no that would be too generous of me, I wanted him to suffer, my gifted strength,sight and stamina gave me an advantage over him, I was going to speak again but he quickly grabbed his gun and shot a pipe which released a thick gas that acted like a fog'

(Damnit! he's going to escape!)

"Get Back Here Muzan!"
*walking after him*
-at room 457-

tanjiro pov:

"you can't be serious!, muzan is here!?"

tamayo:"he.....he killed yushiro didn't he?"

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