Chapter Ten

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Narrator pov:

'A few hours have passed since Kai and Emma were arrested, Mr and Ms Smith we in shock and we're sadden by what their children have become, they blamed themselves for not being better parents however everyone who were present on that day did not agree'

Kanae:"Mr and Ms Smith both of you aren't bad parents"

shinobu:"none of this was your fault"

Ms Smith:"b-but if w-we t-tried harder T-then maybe-"

Sanami:"look you did what you could and gave them your full support, heck blame it on the people who spoiled them!"

Mr Smith:"b-but I-If we were more forceful perhaps-"

tanjiro:"don't say that! you two did the best thing any parent would do! rather than treating your children with violence, you kept showing love and respect to them and you tried to teach them the right path,not only that but you didn't lie as well, that my friend is absolutely the best thing a parent could do"

'Tanjiro's words hit the Smith's parents hearts well, they started crying, they were still sad that their children are in jail but they were glad that they weren't bad parents nor bad people'
{the next day}

Kanao pov:

'news spread quickly about the events that happened yesterday me, nee-san's and tanjiro were in the living room watching the details'

News reporter:"and now we get back to our top latest matter, yesterday two children had attempted murder at a family and friends reunion for more details about them we will now talk to detective Jeff"

tanjiro &kanao:(so Jeff is investigating this case?)

Jeff:"As we investigated further into this matter, it appears that the children of the Smith family had criminal records of theft, property damage, and many others the parents who had no idea of what their children have been doing are now devastated at hearing these news"

kanae:"Oh no that's terrible! they seemed like such nice kids"

shinobu:"even if they were spoiled they shouldn't be doing these kind of things"

tanjiro:"perhaps they got involved with some bad people who convinced them?"

"that could be the case"

Kanae:"oh by the, tanjiro how is your head? we saw the bullet hit your forehead"

tanjiro:"it's fine! my head is hard as a rock" (it became much stronger when I trained to master my abilities)

shinobu:"did you train it or something?"

tanjiro:"actually no, I first got it from my mother and.....It uhh became stronger...uhh when I grew older! yeah when I grew it became stronger!"

kanae:"ohh! that's so cool! kanao you knew this?"

"well yeah we kinda talked a lot about each other and whatnot"

shinobu:"no wonder you were so calm yesterday, having that much trust in your boyfriend to protect you?"

kanae:"that's so adorable!"

tanjiro:*embarrassed* "ehehe"

*embarrassed* "y-yeah h-hahaha"

'we had our laugh and a fun time until we heard the door open'

tanjiro:"I'll go and get it!" *goes before anyone else can react*

shinobu:"I'm really jealous of you both! having super strength, stamina and reflexes is something I would definitely want"

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