Chapter Five

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Narrator pov:

'tanjiro and kanao were walking around the school talking normally, some of the students were in shock that kanao didn't just hit him or get angry infact they saw her smiling happily,the boys were completely angry at Tanjiro,genya who took this opportunity gathered anyone who was willing to beat tanjiro to a pulp'

tanjiro:*Sense around 50 presence* "hm?" *stops walking*

kanao:*also stops* "huh? what's wrong tanjiro?"

tanjiro:*looks at the students who are hiding behind the corner* "....fifty students are hiding...."

Kanao:*looks at where he's looking and sees a hand* (huh? it happened again! there's clearly a person hiding over there but tanjiro says fifty, how does he know?!)

tanjiro:"anyways! kanao mind showing me the field?"

kanae:"uh sure"

the students who are hiding:(HOW THE F#CK DID HE KNOW THAT WE ARE FIFTY PEOPLE!?!??!)

genya:(d-damnit he got sharp sense, probably higher than kanao but how?!)

-in the field-

tanjiro pov:

'the large group of students still followed us, I'm not sure why they are doing this but nonetheless I decided to go somewhere where they are either forced to come out or continue hiding'

Narrator pov:

kanao:"hey tanjiro?"

tanjiro:"yeah kanao?"

kanao:"um I wanted to do you know when someone is following you?"

tanjiro:"hmm well it's about a certain feeling you can sense"


tanjiro:"na don't think about it too much anyways I think we need to head back to class or else-"

the students:"No you are not going!"

'the students decided to show them selves and honestly....I was disappointed, I thought that they would have at least 3-6 or more that are jacked but that wasn't the case'

kanao:"huh? who the hell are you? wait...aoi!? and genya what are you two doing with-"

aoi:"kanao just sit on the sidelines, were bringing you back to your sense"

Kanao:"what do you mean by that?!"

random student:"ever since you met this new kid you've changed! he clearly done something bad to you and we're going to beat him up for you!"

Kanao:*veins appear and is furious* (did...did they seriously say that? I....I am SO GOING TO PULP THEM!) *about to run and beat them*

tanjiro:*stops kanao* "I'll handle this"


tanjiro:"you don't need to work your self so much over something silly"

genya:*more angry* "WHY YOU!-YOU THINK THIS IS SILLY HUH?!?"

'everyone present looked at genya, he had enough of tanjiro's attitude, he didn't care if he was going to jail or murder he wanted tanjiro dead so he pulled out his shotgun and activated his American mode and started blasting bullet's at Tanjiro'

genya:*angry eagle and goes American breathing mode, fires his shotgun twice at Tanjiro*

the students:*screams in cowardness and ducks*

Kanao:"Wha-" *gets pushed to the ground by tanjiro*

'time moved slow for kanao, seeing the bullets coming towards the person she cares about was too heart breaking, the boy who promised to never judge her, the boy who was there for in her time of loneliness, the first boy who she enjoyed cuddling with was about to be murdered Infront of her eyes'

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