Chapter Six

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Narrator pov:

'tanjiro and his group walked out of the school and went on an adventure around the town, it was a sunny day so everyone decided to stop and buy ice creams from the famous store'

tanjiro:*holding hand with kanao* "oh! this is nice store"

kanao:*doing the same* "I know right? this has a five star review"

inosuke:"what does that mean?"

zenitsu:"seriously!?! you buy food from the internet and you don't even know what a review is?!?"

inosuke:"what's an internet? can I eat it?"

ume:"pff! Hahahahaha!"

gyutaro:"if it's possible then you might fill your stomach for decades"

tanjiro:"enough everyone let's just go and pick our ice creams"

'they went to the counter and asked the cashier for some advice since this is their first time coming to this store'

the author:"alright if you want my recommendation I would personally go for lemon-lime flavor or a chocolate-chip or cheesecake or a strawberry flavor"

{I know a lemon-lime flavor doesn't sound very tasty or cheesecake but in my country I know a store that are delicious but that was 10 years ago so I don't remember the store's name}

tanjiro:"hmm I think I'll take the lemon-lime, what about you guys?"

kanao:"I always go for vanilla but I'll go for a different one Soo I pick strawberry cheesecake"

zenitsu:"cotton candy! those are delicious"


ume:"I think I'll go cherry vanilla, what about you nii-san?"


ume:"huh? does coffee flavored ice cream even exist?"

the author:"yeah it does look it up on the internet"

tanjiro:*finds it on the internet* "yeah it does but in some counties it's not very common to find them"

the author:"do you want it in a cone or in a plastic bowl?"

tanjiro & kanao & ume:"cone"

zenitsu & inosuke & gyutaro:"bowl"

the author:"alright give me a second"

-2 minutes later-

the author:"have a nice day!...... cause......I'm not......"

'they left the store while eating their ice cream happily except for tanjiro's wallet'

tanjiro:(can't believe I had to pay for everyone, 24$ is not something I would like to spend so fast)

ume:"damn all this walking is hurting my feet"

zenitsu:"yeah hey how long have we been walking anyways?"

gyutaro:"I think around 5 hours"

inosuke:"Wah!? it has already been that long!? I never felt it!"

Kanao:"time moves faster than you can expect, hey tanjiro can I taste your ice cream?" *blushing a bit*

gyutaro& Zenitsu:(Is she trying to get an indirect kiss?!?)

ume:(come on! say yes you red haired brat!)

tanjiro:*licks it once* "uh sure why not?" *extends his hand towards kanao*

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