Chapter Fourteen

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Narrator pov:

'The sound of police cars, military forces and the sound of multiple gunshots were all heard by the citizens, Two sisters rushed to were the police are going in hopes to stop their younger sister from harming her self, upon seeing these two sisters five students have followed them in order to figure out what is going on'

police officer:*using a microphone* "under the records of case encrypted follow each order from the head detective, secure the parameter of the hospital nothing and no one shall escape it, If you see detective Jeff and a young girl with a pink-green butterfly hair clip they may come and go but other than them kill anyone on sight"

'just as the police officer has said that, tanks, helicopters,cops and the military have surrounded the hospital, from the ground and the skies, this was one of the most important cases that man-kind has, international criminal who murdered anyone who knew of him or had a connection to him, the only person to have ever truly covered his tracks from the government, this manic was now surrounded with no where to go'

Jeff:*drops from a helicopter with kanao* "You heard the man, no one leaves this hospital, if you see anyone that is trying to enter Then kill on sight!"

the military and police force:"SIR YES SIR!"

Jeff:"alright Kanao me and you will go in,save tanjiro and his family before it's too late"

kanao:"Let's hurry now!"

'Jeff and kanao made it to the entrance to the hospital, the doors were shut by three layers of thick hard metal however it was nothing compared to the face of human engineering, two soldiers have used cutting torch, a tool used for this specific reason'

soldier #1:"alright you can get through this door, but I must warn you we detected four heat presence, The murderer might blend in with any of those survivors"

kanao:(huh? four? but....that doesn't make any sense)

Jeff:"alright thanks for the heads up, kanao we shut the power so get your night vision goggles ready" *wears it ehile activating the goggles and enter's the hospital*

'Kanao did as what Jeff said and went in the hospital, they were shocked by the amount of dead bodies were here, kanao was nearly almost so terrified that she couldn't move'

kanao:" this really the work of one man?"

Jeff:"He's skilled there's no doubt about it, we know that his target is Tanjiro so we have to find him before muzan has the chance"

kanao:"r-right, follow me I know an elevator where it'll lead us directly to room 457, it's where tanjiro and his family are"

'kanao went to the elevator with Jeff covering her back Incase muzan does attack from behind, to Jeff surprise the elevator worked despite them shutting down the power, kanao explained that there's a secondary power source for this hospital, it powers the protocol,room 457 and other lights'

Jeff:"alright, kanao you go and find muzan I'll go look for tanjiro and other survivors securing their safety, turn on heat-seeking mode this should give you a lead on where he could be" *enters the elevator and the door are about to close*

kanao:"listen, if there are only four people in the building who are alive then that means tanjiro's family are dead, there's only tanjiro and his sister, I can guess that doctor tamayo is with him, she's a lady and the scumbag is a male"

{the scumbag is muzan}

Jeff:"I see,...anything else?"

kanao:"..... don't tell tanjiro that I'm here..." *turns on heat-seeking mode and looks for muzan*

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