Chapter Eighteen

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Nezuko pov:

'we made it to the hospital to visit big brother, once again doctor tamayo decided to once again help us Kamado's again, I truly don't understand why she still helping us I mean she has been taking care of me and our family for the past 12 years isn't she tired?'

*both nezuko and Jeff got out of the car and entered the hospital*
"okay If I remember correctly, big brother is in room 100"

Jeff:"alright stay here I'll talk to the reception" *goes to the reception*

'just as he left, big brother's friends came, I haven't gotten the time to know them very well but I can definitely say that they're fun to hangout'

ume:"ah! you're nezuko right?"

"yep that would me miss......?"

ume:"Ume Shabana!, this guy right her is my older brother"

gyutaro:"name's gyutaro"

"Oh! your like me then ume! how does your big brother treat you?"

ume:"eh I wouldn't say the best but hey it's still better than average!"

inosuke:"what are you babbling about? we should go and see gonpachiro!"


zenitsu:"u-um yeah don't worry about this guy it's his thing, he's talking about your brother tanjiro"

"oh okay! what is your name?"


"um HELLO?"

gyutaro:"the yellow haired guy is zenitsu.....the feminine faced is-"

inosuke:"I'm the great inosuke Hashibira! the king of the jungle and one day I'll surpass your brother mezuko!"

"I'll take your competitiveness as part of your personality, what about you blue butterfly hair clipped girl?"

aoi:"I'm aoi kanzaki, it's nice to meet you nezuko Kamado" *bows a bit*

*bows as well* "it's also very nice to meet you aoi!, since all of us are going to visit big brother let's wait until the detective Jeff  Then we can-"


'the detective spoke loudly and everyone heard him, it was clear that for whatever reason we are unable to visit big brother it saddened me really I want to see he woke up, anyways Jeff was still pretty upset about how we can't visit big brother, he came back to me and tanjiro's friends stomping the ground hard and made it seem like he was coming towards us to beat the living sh#t out of us'

ume:"u-um h-hi D-Detective! it's b-been a while r-right?"

Jeff:*sighs* "don't worry, I'm not going to punch any of you"

zenitsu:"oh thank you I was about to scream!"

inosuke:"you mean piss-Ow!'

zenitsu:"shut it! don't embarrass me Infront of nezuko-chan!"

"uhh detective, we heard you say how we can't visit big brother, why?"

Jeff:"believe me nezuko that's the first thing I would like to know, he's not under surgery, nor any examinations, they said that he needs to be checked through touch or whatever the hell it means"

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