Chapter Nineteen

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Narrator pov:

'ever since giyu and Sanami saved Kanao from her suicidal attempt she has been out of her room a tiny bit.....anyways nezuko got to the front door of her brother's room and oh boy she wasn't going to let it slide'

nezuko pov:

'we were on the floor where my brother is and made our way to his room as fast as possible, making sharp left and right turns until we made to the hallway that leads to my brother's room and where tamayo is treating him'

the nurses:*fangirling over tanjiro's muscular body but they see him from the glass window*

"I can't believe this crap! they're all grown adults and they act so disgustingly!"

Jeff:*loads his gun which caught their attention* "how about you f#$kers back the f#$k up before a bloodbath is in the hallway?" *aims it at them*

'Jeff bluff successful worked and they all ran with every single might they got in their hearts, ume and inosuke were laughing at how cowardly they were and I was mostly focused about my brother'

*goes to the door and knocks* "hello? can we enter? I'm tanjiro's younger sister nezuko Kamado?"

tamayo:*from the other side* "ah nezuko! are the nurses away from the door?"

Jeff:"yeah they are let us in!"

tamayo:*unlocks the door and opens for them* "we are very thankful for your interference, I don't know how long that glass could've hold them, I tried to contact any of you but that falls to be impossible"

gyutaro:"huh? why's that?"

tamayo:"due to the nurses kept trying to open the door I was forced to stay at the door and keep it from opening"

"wait if you were at the door all the time then what about-"

tamayo:"don't worry, your brother is safe come take a look for yourself"

'we entered the room and anxiety filled me from the bottom to the top, what if she couldn't stabilize his condition? what if something happened to him? what if someone entered here without tamayo's premission and messed with the medical equation that could affect big brother's health, those were the thoughts that are running in my mind but they would disappear just as I saw him sleeping peacefully'


"he's okay!"

ume:"well that's a relief"

gyutaro & Jeff:*nods*

zenitsu:"I glad we didn't lose him, kanao will be so happy!"

Tamayo:*chuckles* "yes, yes indeed"

"ah! that reminds me, doctor tamayo why did you kept on helping us? I mean you've taken care of me and our family for 12 years and then you took care big why?"

Tamayo:"hmm it's personal but I can say that he helped me with and issues that is related to my family, it was really important to me so I owe him a lot"

"ehehehe ah big brother always helped anyone even in his weakest moments"

ume:"that's true! he changed me and nii-san's way of being a delinquents, I wonder how he does that?"

gyutaro:"I think it's because of his personality, he just helps and it works out in the best possible form"

'we were talking about big brother and how he helped us no matter how big or small, beautiful or ugly, amazing or pathetic it was however our talk stopped the moment we heard a demanding scream that sounded like a women and sorta male? I didn't quite figure it out'

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