Chapter Eleven

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Narrator pov:

'A two days have passed since nezuko woke up, kanao decided to do whatever she can to help tanjiro even if she has to lie everyone'

shinobu:"uhh kanao? tanjiro hasn't come back from yesterday, do you know anything about it?"

kanao:"o-oh! it's umm you can say it's related to his family"

kanae:"why did something happen?"

kanao:"something like that, anyways he's going out of town until then"

shinobu:"Oh please God no! don't tell me the same story is going to happen again! I don't want to see you lose your emotions!"

kanao:"no no no! it's not going to happen I swear!"

'she didn't technically lie fully, tanjiro's family weren't out of town but they were pretty far from the butterfly house, however her sisters weren't the only people she had lied too'

ume:"what happened on that date two days ago to make tanjiro leave town?"

kanao:"you were spying!?"

zenitsu:"H-hey! I was dragged into this by ume!"


ume:"shut it you two, however we couldn't follow you two, not after tanjiro picked you up and ran at mach 5 or something like that"

kanao:*sighs* (well at least they don't know about tanjiro's family)

inosuke:"what happened to gonpachiro?"

kanao:"like I said boar head, it's something related to his family so he's out of town"

'she had to use the same lie over and over, the disappearance of tanjiro caught the principal attention so they asked the one person who might know where he is'

kanao:"yes Ms Ubuyashiki?"

Amane:"we were wondering about tanjiro, since your his girlfriend we thought that you know where he might be"

kanao:(she's not wrong) "well umm why do you need to know where he is? I mean he doesn't need to attend school and study since he destroyed the scoring system"

kagaya:"that may be true but I want to make sure he is alright, he's a kind boy and I'm afraid something bad happened"

kanao:"it's kinda the opposite actually"


kanao:(crap! I should be more careful with my words!)

'thankfully everyone believed her, but still her sisters began to develop some doubts about what kanao told them'

kanao:*in her room knitting new clothes for nezuko and tanjiro* ( I hope they like it and I hope it fits too)

kanae& shinobu:*watching from the door but are hidden*

shinobu:*whispering to kanae* "what do you think?"

kanae:"clearly there is something going on, I think kanao knows more about it but she can't tell anyone"

'just then kanao's phone started vibrating, someone had called kanao, she picked her phone and looked at who it was'

kanao:"oh it's tanjiro, hello?" *answers*

shinobu:"we should hear this"

kanae:"yeah your right"

'the voice of tanjiro can be heard but kanae and shinobu couldn't figure what he was saying, only kanao knew what he is saying'

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