Chapter 5 - Skype call

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Ivy's Point of View

"Calling Calum..." Skype stared back at me with these two words. I felt like I had trouble breathing because I was so excited. I hadn't seen my beautiful boyfriends face in three weeks. Or if you want to be exact, three weeks and one day.

Suddenly Calum's face popped up on my laptop screen and his face instantly lit up in a big smile.

"Hi Ivy."

I felt tears burn at the brim of my eyes. I don't know why I was so close to start crying but one thing I was sure of and that was that it was happy tears. I blinked a few times and couldn't stop a smile from growing wider and wider on my face.

"Hi Cal."

"I love when you call me that." Calum put his head in his hands and looked like a very satisfied child.

"I'm not the only one calling you that. Luke, Michael and Ashton call you that too, dosen't they?"

Calum raised his eyebrows at me. "Yes they do, but comming from your mouth it sounds so much more sexy."

I cracked up in laughter. "Smooth Calum, very smooth!"

"Well I have to brag in some way about that my girlfriend is the sexiest on this earth!" He winked at me.

I combed through my hair with my fingers and tried not to blush by his comment. "Well then I have to brag about you too. You look very sexy yourself Mr Hood."

"Gosh, I really want to kiss you right know Ivy."

I leaned closer to my computer screen. "Then do it."

Calum laughed slightly and also leaned closer to his screen. "With pleasure."

"Okay, that was just weird." I said when we had kissed each other viritually.

"That was kinda weird."

"Just get a room, will you." I heard Luke say in the background. Then I heard Ash laugh.

"Hi Luke. Hi Ashton." I said while Calum turned his computer screen so I could see Luke and Ash too.

I waved and they both waved back at me and together said."Hi Ivy!"

Then behind them Michael came in through a door and he immediately ran up to Calum's computer. "Heeeey Ivy!"

I smiled. "Hey Michael."

Luke and Ashton also came closer to the screen and Ashton said. "Wait, is it hey or hi?"

We all cracked up laughing. "It's never getting old." I said between the laughter.

When Michael, Ashton and Luke kept laughing, me and Calum locked eyes and in those few seconds of us just looking at each other we agreed that we had the best friends in the whole world.

I mouthed the words "I love you" to Calum while Luke, Mikey and Ash's laughter died out. His mouth formed the words "I love you too" back to me and we both smiled.

Gosh, I am so damn lucky to have this boy in my life, especially as my boyfriend. And I'm so lucky to have Luke, Michael and Ashton as three of my closest friends.

"By the way Michael, I love your new hair color." I did a thumb up to Michael.

Michael started puffing up his now black hair and reflect himself in the computer screen. "Glad you like it."

"Have you seen twitter? The fans are crazy about it."

Michael laughed. "Yeah I've noticed. They make me blush." The last bit he said with a slightly high pitched voice.

"So, are you guys still in Sweden?"

Calum nodded. "Yes, we fly to Norway in like three hours."

I got quite overwhelmed by the fact that Calum was so far away from me. I've only been outside Australia twice in my life. Once in Thailand and once in Greece.

"What time is it there?" I asked curiously.

Calum looked around. "Anyone who has a clock in sight?"

I saw Luke pointing somewhere on the screen. "You have a clock on your computer Cal."

Calum laughed. "Oh yeah, right. I forgot. It's..." He licked his lips and concentrated on the computer screen. "It's 8.32 in the morning."

"It feels so weird to have so many timezones between us. Here the clock is 6.32 in the evening."

"So... Eight hours." Calum said slowly.

I nodded. "I miss you so much."

"I miss you too." Calum said and we smiled at each other.

Michael clapped his hands together. "Boys, maybe we should leave the two love birds to it."

I saw that Luke winked at Calum. "Maybe we should."

Ashton, Luke and Michael made weird kissing noices while they exited the room and the last thing I heard before the doorr closed was their contagious laughter and Calum who yelled after them. "There's not much we can do, there's a fucking screen between us!"

Then he turned to me. "You have no idea how much I want to touch you right know. My fingers are itching!"

"And I wish you could, but you'll have to go and have some alone time with your bass instead."

"If it weren't for my bass I would probably go crazy and go around touching the boys. They don't have boobs so I would just squeez in the air and that would be weird..." Calum frowned like if he was imagining it.

I laughed slightly. "Okay, moving on! I actually have something to tell you."

Calum leaned closer to the screen. "Ooh, now I am excited. What is it?"

"Okay, you know that I've told you that every year my school chooses one student who get to put up their own art exhibition?"

Calum nodded and a small smile started to grow on his face. I think he knew which way this was leaning towards.

"Well, this years student is me!" I squealed. "I'm so happy!"

Calum lit up in a big smile, so big that he got those cute wrinkles around his eyes. "Oh my god Ivy, that's amazing! I'm so proud of you! You really deserve this."

"Thank you Cal. But the thing is that everything has to be done within two months so I have a lot on my plate right now. And I'm not sure if I'll be able to stay in touch with you as much as I have these last three weeks."

Calum's smile faded. "But..."

"I never thought that I would be the one saying this but Calum, don't forget our freaking bond! You said it yourself. And I didn't say that I was going to forget about you and stop keeping touch with you. I just said that I may not be able to text or call you every single day."

"Then it seems like I have to start squeezing on the boys..." Calum said and we both ended up laughing.

Calum interrupted his own laughing. "I have to go soon Ivy but just one question. How long will your exhibition be up?"

"Four months." I answered.

"Good, then I'll be able to look at it when I come home."

"That means very much to me Cal."

Calum just answered with "I love you." And I said it back to him before we had to end the skype call because he and the rest of the band nedded to get to the airport.


Author's note:

Well this was a cute and funny chapter don't you think? Uggh, what if you had your own 5SOS to skype with and be best friends with... You can always dream ;)

THANK YOU ALL FOR READING, YOU ARE AWESOME AND BEAUTIFUL! Don't forget to vote or comment something nice if you like what I'm writing! xoxo

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