Chapter 13 - Theo's party

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Ivy's Point of View

I had told Theo to meet me outside my school. I had to wait a few minutes before I saw him walking towards me.

"So, why do you need my help?" He said when he approached me.

I picked up two boxes and put them on each other in his arms. "I need your help to set up my art exhibition."

Theo looked a bit confused but nodded either way. "Okay."

I picked up the other box that was sitting on the ground and then started walking towards a building beside the school. In that building the school had a few recording studios, two different stages and then the room I was going to set up my art exhibition in.

Ms Palmer had given me the keys and I unlocked the big front doors. We had to walk up a few stairs to come to my exhibition room. When we came up and I could put down the boxes, I was breathing hard.

I had already put up some of my works last weekend with the help of Leah. These three boxes was the last things, mostly written explainations to my different photos and drawings. Like for example, if the different photos and drawings had any names, were I had gotten my inspiration from, et cetera.

"Wow, these are really good!" I hadn't even noticed that Theo had put down his boxes and walked up to a few of my drawings. "What is this?"

I took a few steps closer to him. "My school have let me put up my own art exhibition. And this is the result."

"It's really amazing." Theo nodded approvingly.

"Thank you." I said and looked around at all my works with a smile on my face. I was really proud of it all.

I opened one of the boxes and picked up a big photo of myself and a paper with some facts about me. I handed it all to Theo and pointed towards two easels. "Put these on those easels and put them by the door."

Theo just nodded and did what I asked him to do. Meanwhile, I started to put up the different information cards for my photos and drawings.

When we were done, I took one last look at my art exhibition. I was very happy and proud with what I had done.

Theo came up behind me and put his hands around my waist. "What do you wanna do now?"

I turned around so I was facing Theo. "Now, let's have some fun. Help me get my mind off things." And by "things" I meant Calum. I really didn't want to think about him anymore.

Theo smiled at me. "I can help you with that."


I knocked on Theo's door. I think I lost him somewhere on the way over here because his car wasn't parked outside his apartment.

When no one opened the door, I opened it myself. I didn't think it was going to be unlocked but it was.

"Hello?" I said uncertainly when I stepped inside the apartment.

When I came into the living room, two people were sitting in the black couch. A guy and a girl. The girl had pink hair and a piercing by her left eyebrow. She was looking through a magazine.

The guy had a buzz cut and I could see a faint scar by his collarbone. The guy had his arm around the girl. I guess they were a couple.

When I walked into the living room, the guy looked up at me. "So, you're Theo's little toy. Ivy, right?"

I was a bit confused that he had said Theo's toy but then I told myself to not care. This was a day of not caring.

Next, the girl closed her magazine and looked up at me. "Don't look so scared, we're Theo's friends. He told us to come over. He said that we were going to have a little party."

I nodded. "Okay, but then, where is Theo?" I asked.

"He was just going to pick up some stuff." The guy said.

I nodded, mostly to myself and sat down to wait for Theo. And after around five minutes he came throught the door with one plastic bag in each hand.

"I see you've met Jenna and Kenny." He said when he walked into the living room and put down the plastic bags. I spotted a few bottles of whiskey, beer and vodka in the bags.

Theo dragged me up from the chair I was sitting on and put his hands on my shoulders. "So, tonight we will give Ivy a night she will remember for a long time... At least parts of it."

The pink haired girl Jenna giggled at Theo's last words.

"She wants to have a fun night, and losen up a bit." He continued.

Jenna stood up from the couch and walked up to me. "Are you sure? I'm sure you've never partied like we do."

I smiled slightly. "I'm sure."

Jenna nodded. "Okay." Then she clicked on a remote and music started playing from somewhere in the apartment. It was some heavy metal song.

We played never have I ever, which was very fun and I noticed that I hung out with quite badass people. We played another drinking game too and suddenly I noticed that we had one empty vodka and one empty whiskey bottle in front of us.

We drank some more and then Theo disappeared for a few seconds and came back with a little bag with some white pouder in it. I could guess what it was.

Theo poured it out on the table in front of us all and then Kenny took out a small rolled up piece of paper from his jeans pocket. He separated the white powder into four little piles and then connected the rolled up piece of paper to his nose and one of the piles of cocaine. He breathed in deeply through his nose and then there were only three piles left on the table.

Theo did the same thing and then also Jenna. I knew that there was something weird about Theo since the last time I'd been with him and he had given me that unknown pill, but I never thought that he was taking cocaine and stuff.

Jenna gave me the little piece of paper and first I shook my head. "I really shouldn't."

"C'mon. Do you want to party with us or not? Do you want to get your stupid mind off things?" Jenna did quotation marks with her fingers when she said the word things. "You can walk away if you want to."

I took a deep breath and swallowed the little lump in my throath. Jenna was right, I wanted to get my mind off things. It's the whole reason why I called Theo this morning.

I took the rolled up piece of paper from Jenna and did the same procedure as my three other friends had done before me.

First it felt as if I was going to sneeze it all out again but I took one more deep breath through my nose and then I was all good.

I didn't remember so much more about that night except that there were some more drinking, some more cocaine and a few body shots. I also had sex with Theo one more time. He was a good friend with benefits.


Author's note:

I guess I could call this a filler chapter but an important one!

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