Chapter 19 - Awake and alright

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Ivy's Point of View

The boys came closer and closer. They pulled at my clothes. Pulled them apart and tossed them away. I screamed while they together forced my legs apart and held down my arms against the couch. One of the guys hit me across the cheek and yelled at me to shut up. I bit my lip and squeezed my eyes shut but the tears rolled down my cheeks anyway. They took turns to usher their disgusting dicks in and out of me, in and out. They moaned and breathed hard against my ear and cheek. I was crying and I couldn't breathe. It felt like I was being suffocated. It felt like I was going to die.


I woke up with a gasp. A steady beeping sound came from a machine on my right. A lamp in the middle of the roof lighted up the four white walls and made them almost blinding. I had a needle in my right arm. I felt tired and my head and whole body was sore but I felt much better than I had when Calum had found me.

Calum... Oh my god. Suddenly my head got filled with memories of all the horrible things I had said to Calum when he had been so nice to come and get me. He probably hated me right know.

I also remembered the way he had screamed at me. But I'm sure I deserved it. I didn't understand what got into me when I said those things to Calum. I had been feeling so weird these last couple of months. One second I've been happy, the next I've been angry, with myself and other people. But mostly I have been sad, sometimes I've been so sad that I've felt like nothing matters in life. And I don't know why I've been feeling this way.

A girl, probably a doctor, came into my room and interupted my thoughts.

"I'm glad you're awake." The girl in her white coat smiled at me.

I gave her a faint smile back before she started talking again.

"You are really lucky. This drug overdose did almost kill you but your body is strong and even though you've clearly been doing drugs for a while, you have no internal damage." She stopped talking to look through her papers she had in her hand, then she continued. "We've cleaned your vagina. It was a bit scratched but otherwise you're pretty fine. I'll give you a salve that you can use for the scratchers."

I nodded and the doctor kept on  talking.

"I have a proposition for you. I think you should check into a rehab facility. If you would stop with your addiction, your body will get back to normal immediately, I promise you. I can write you in to the rehab facility but only if you yourself want to."

I opened my mouth to say something but then closed it again. Did I want this? To be stuck in rebah for I don't know how long.

"I'll give you some time to think about it." The doctor turned around to walk away.

"Wait." My voice came out strangled and hoarse and first I wasn't sure that the doctor had heard me but right before she was about to open the door, she turned around and faced me again.

I took a deep breath and slowly let it out. This was probably for the best. I didn't want something like this to happen again and I had never intended to start with drugs.

I cleared my throat. "I want to. Go to rehab I mean."

The doctor smiled at me once again. "Great. I'll contact the facility and hopefully we can move you there tomorrow."

Tomorrow... That made me wonder which day it was. I had no idea how long I had been sleeping, so I asked her, "Which day is it?"

"It's sunday, July twelve. Late afternoon. Your friend left you here late last night." She answered.

My friend. I knew she meant Calum. I wish he would have stayed here until I woke up but that would have been too much to ask for after everything I had put him through.

"I'll send in some food to you and then I'm advising you to get a lot of rest and sleep. You need it." With those words, the girl in her white coat left me alone in my bright room.

I rolled my neck side to side and got up from the hospital bed. My body felt a bit stiff. I took the machine which was linked to the needle in my arm and rolled it with me into the little bathroom.

In the bathroom, I splashed some cold water in my face and then sat down on the toilet. When I was done with my needs, I noticed that I had gotten my period. I let out a sigh of relief and felt tears in my eyes. I hadn't even thought about that the rape last night could have gotten me pregnant. I really was lucky.

When I got out of the bathroom, I was met by a guy who didn't look much older than me. He had a little trolley with food by his side. I didn't really know what to do so I just walked up to the hospital bed and got seated while the guy rolled the trolley close enough to me so I could eat properly.

"Excuse me. Would it be too much to ask for a few tampons?" I said before the guy was about to leave.

"No, of course not. I'll be back soon." He said and turned around.

"Thanks." I said when the door closed behind him.

The meal in front of me consisted of a bowl of vegetable soup, bread with some butter, a glas of milk and a chocolate pudding as dessert. I didn't have much of an appetite so I just ate the bread which was delicious, half of the soup and I barely touched the dessert.

The guy came back with my tampons and also the salve that the doctor had talked about earlier. He also took out the needle from my arm. Then he took the trolley with the leftovers from my food and left me alone again.

None of my own belongings except my handbag and Calum's hoodie which both was resting on the chair standing at the other side of the little room. No flowers or get well cards. Just me and my loneliness. I wonder if my mom or Leah knows what has happened to me.

Leah... I felt a stab of pain going through my heart. I haven't talked to her in two months. She only wanted to help me and I pushed her away just so I could be with Theo and his stupid drugs. I couldn't believe I had done that to her. I was an awful friend. I needed to try to talk to her as soon as possible.

I dried away a tear that rolled down my cheek before I laid down in the bed. I fell asleep almost immediately.


Author's note:

Woop woop, she's alive ;) Hope you like the story!

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