Chapter 22 - Home again

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Ivy's Point of View
-3 weeks later-

After one month at the rehab facility I could pack up my things and get discharged. I came to the facility as a screwed up, lost and confused girl with a serious addiction and now I would walk out, feeling better than I have done in a very long time. I would walk out without the feeling that I need to sniff something every day but instead I would walk out with a medication for my depression. But I will learn to live with it.

I walked out of the elevator with my suitcase rolling behind me. Jenna was sitting in the visiting hall, waiting for me. Ever since that first evening when I found out that Jenna was here too, I've had a feeling that we would only be friends inside this building. When I would walk out those big glass doors, our friendship would be left behind in this building. It will stay behind these closed doors and we will go our separate ways. But that's fine by me because I have Leah and now I also know exactly what to say to Calum.

I walked up to Jenna with a smile on my face and we hugged each other. My time here has really changed me for the better and I was ready to take a serious grip around my life.

"I'm really happy for you." Jenna said and smiled back at me.

"Thank you. And don't worry, you'll get your freedom soon."

Jenna's smile grew wider. "I'm getting out in a week!" She said excited.

"Oh my god, I'm so happy for you!" I said and we hugged each other again before we had to say goodbye and I had to walk to the reception desk to fill in some more papers.

Before I was going to exit the facility, Allison came towards me from the staff only room. We hugged and she told me how proud she was of me. I told her how much she had helped me and how thankful I was towards the facility. Then I could make my way towards the entrance. I took a deep breath before exiting the building.

I expected that Leah was going to be outside the facility to pick me up. The first time at visiting hours I had found out that she had gotten her own driver's license a few weeks before she came to visit me. But when I came out, I saw my mom's car which, when I think about it, I don't know how she got it back from Theo's place.

I thought that maybe Leah had borrowed our car so she could pick me up but when I got closer to the car, I noticed that it was actually my mom who was sitting behind the wheel.

I put my suitcase in the trunk and a bit hesitantly sat down in the passenger's seat beside my mom.

"What are you doing here mom?" I asked slowly.

Suddenly my mom burst out in tears. They dripped down her, a bit chubby, cheeks and into her hands that were resting in her lap.

I was just about to open my mouth and ask what was wrong when she started talking. "I-Ivy. I've been a terrible mother." She turned her head towards me and carefully stroked my cheek. "I'm so sorry." She whispered.

Suddenly I could feel my own eyes getting filled with tears. "Mom..." I was also whispering. "Don't say that."

"But I'll change. I'll be a better mom, I promise." She smiled at me. "And that's why I'll walk into that building and get some help for my alcohol problems." I saw in her eyes that it was hard saying this but I also saw in her eyes that she wanted this and that made me very glad.

I threw my arms around my mom and hugged her tight. "I'm so proud of you mom!"

My mother hugged me back and said, "Thank you honey."

We both climbed out of the car and my mom opened the back seat and pulled out her own little suitcase.

"Are you okay with driving home alone?" She asked me and I answered with a nod.

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