Chapter 27 - Future

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Ivy's Point of View
-5 years later-

I tipped my head back and screamed. My back, my armpits and my forehead was plastered with sweat. I didn't know if it was tears or just more sweat that had dried on my cheeks. I screamed again and tried to breath the way I had been practicing the last couple of months. Calum was sitting beside me and holding my hand in a tight grip.

"C'mon babe, you can do this!" He said in a loud voice to overhear my screaming and the nurses who just told me to keep pushing.

"I'm right here Ivy, I'm right here." Calum said and gave my hand a little squeeze.

He kept on encouraging me while I screamed, breathed and pushed for dear life. Then suddenly, the pain stopped and I could take a breather.

"It's a boy." One of the nurses said with a smile on her face.

The nurses wrapped my baby boy in a grey blanket and gave him to me. When I felt his tiny body in my arms and saw his little face stare back at me, I knew I was crying.

"He has your eyes Cal." I said and smiled down at our son while stroking his bald head.

"He has your nose." Calum said and held forward his index finger to our baby who took it in his left little hand.

I reached over to Calum and kissed his cheek. "I love you so much. I can't believe we have our own little family now."

Calum smiled at me and then turned his attention back to the baby in my arms. "It's crazy right."


Three days later, we could go home from the hospital. Four and a half years ago, just after we had come home from the tour, me and Calum had finally bought us our own apartment in Sydney, not far away from my school, which I also graduated from in June three years ago. I took one year away from school because I followed Calum on the tour so I wouldn't have to trail behind so much. This made me graduate and take my art degree one year later than I should have if I hadn't followed him on the tour but I didn't regret my decision.

Since I graduated I had been working with a lot of things, both with my own projects and with other people who has hired me to do different art projects. My art exhibition that I did my first year of school, helped me a lot to get jobs when I once had graduated. At least I know my art exhibition wasn't for nothing even though it resulted in that me and Calum stopped talking to each other for a while.

Ashton, Michael, Luke and Calum as 5 Seconds Of Summer kept on writing and releasing songs, even though they didn't tour as much anymore.

Calum and I named our son Kevin Thomas Hood and four years later I gave birth to a beautiful little girl who we named Kelly Elisabeth Hood. We were a happy family, Calum, Kevin, Kelly and I. We brought Kelly and Kevin to the park where Calum and I had gotten married, to play with them just as we ourselves had done when we were young. And when they grew up to be old enough, we took them with us on a lot of travels, tracing back mine and Calum's adventures around the world during the 5SOS tour all those years ago.


Author's note:

This is the end, buhu.. This chapter didn't become so long and I could as well have ended the story with chapter 26 but I wanted to show you Calum and Ivy's future.

I'm actually sad to have finished this, it has been so fun to write! I  really think that this story turned out the way I wanted to and I really hope that you who have read this, enjoyed to read it as much as I enjoyed to write it! :)

Every vote and every person who has read this story or just any of the chapters, it really means a lot to me! THANK YOU! xoxo


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