Chapter 17 - Nightmare pt1

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Ivy's Point of View

Stupid red light, I thought to myself. I needed to get to Theo as fast as possible. I hadn't seen him or his drugs in one and a half week and he had just gotten a hold of some more cocaine and something new he thought we could try. I felt like if I was going crazy, I needed to snort something really soon. I started drumming my fingers against the steering wheel and stared up at the red light like if I could get the light to turn if I just looked at it long and hard enough.

Then I heard someone honk their car horn obliquely behind me, so I stopped drumming with my fingers and turned my head around, just to get eye contact with Calum. His eyes widened for a short second and then he noticed his red light had turned green and quickly drove away to the right. I turned my attention back towards the red light and let my fingers continue their drumming.

"So he's finally back." I said to myself. He could as well have stayed on tour. I didn't want him anymore, I didn't want him near me at all. Everything I needed was Theo.

Finally the red light became green and I could continue driving towards Theo.


I opened the door to Theo's apartment and walked in. I heard low voices talking, probably from the tv. When I came into the little living room, Theo stood up from where he was sitting in his couch and we met halfway, in the middle of the room. I locked my hands together around his neck and kissed him, long and hard while his hands traced my body up and down.

"I've missed you." I said when I broke away from the kiss.

Theo raised one eyebrow at me and smirked. "Have you missed me, or my drugs?"

I walked past Theo and plopped down on his couch. I started playing with a strand of my hair. "Both." I answered.

Theo grinned at me. "Good." He said and disappeared into the kitchen. He came back with a bottle of vodka, a bottle of whiskey and two small plastic bags containing a white powder and some cigarette-like stuff.

We smoked, drank and sniffed cocaine. Over and over again. I guess the night got a little bit over hand eventually, because suddenly I passed out.


I felt with my hands around me and immediately noticed that I was lying in Theo's couch. I had to pry my eyes open because my eyelids were so heavy. I tried to sit up but fell back down in the couch again. My body felt numb, my head felt like it was full of cotton and my vision was blurred.

I tried to shift my body so I could look around in the apartment. The first thing I noticed was that Theo's tv was gone. My first thought was that this was some kind of robbery and I wanted to scream Theo's name but the only sound that came from my throat was a pitiful whimpering. A few seconds later, I saw a tall and muscular guy standing in the doorway that led into the little hall.

"She's awake now." He said. At least I think it was him saying it, my vision was still so blurred that I couldn't make out if his mouth was moving or not.

Two other guys came up behind the tall one and they all stared at me. The other two was smaller than the one standing in the middle but they still looked very strong. I think one of them had a beard.

I blinked a few times but my vision was still very blurred. I looked around the living room, searching for Theo. I had no idea what was going on here but one thing I was now sure of, Theo was gone.

"Where's Theo?" My words were slurred and it sounded more like, "Whes eo?"

The three boys grinned at each other and the smaller one with beard said, "She's totally stoned." They all took a few steps closer to me and the couch. I suddenly felt very uncomfortable and exposed.

The tall one sat down on a chair in front of me. "Theo? Where he is? We actually wonder the same thing." He said to me. "So where is he?"

I tried to shake my head but wasn't sure I actually did it because I felt so numb everywhere. "I don't know." My speech was better even though I still slurred a little bit.

The tall guy in the chair locked his hands together and pointed at me with both his index fingers. "You see, Theo owes us money. Actually, he owes us a lot of money."

I frowned and once again tried to sit up but I got too dizzy and fell down again. What money, and why. I didn't understand.

"I can see that you're confused. So here's the thing, Theo owes us big time for all the drugs he have bought. He told us that he would have the money but when we came here, the only thing we found was you. So my guess is that Theo screwed us both over and left you here all defenseless while he's probably on his way out of town right now." The tall guy said matter-of factly.

The guy with beard looked down at his friend in the chair "At least he left us something." Then he glanced over at me. I sensed that this wasn't going to turn out so good. They wouldn't just leave me when they hadn't gotten their money. I still couldn't believe what they had said about Theo. He had been nice to me. He wouldn't do something like this, or would he?

The tall guy shrugged before he stood up from his chair and directed his words to the bearded guy. "Sure, why not." Then he looked over at me. "You should have been more careful with your choice of boyfriend." He said before he left me alone in the living room with the other two guys.


I woke up on the floor of Theo's apartment. My head was still full of cotton and I was weak and tired. My body was hurting, especially my lower abdomen and my breasts. I didn't want to look down on my body, I knew what I would see but I did it anyway. I drew in a shaky breath and couldn't stop the tears from filling my eyes. I was completely naked and big bruises was showing around my forearms, shoulders and parts around my boobs.

Suddenly everything started spinning and I couldn't stop myself from throwing up right on the floor. More tears rolled down my face and I wrinkled my nose. I was so disappointed and disgusted with myself right now. How could I have let all this happen? If I hadn't started flirting with Theo on my birthday and if I hadn't started doing drugs with him, nothing of this would have happened.

I slowly crawled away from my own puke to search for my phone. I traced with my right arm on the little table standing in front of the couch and finally found it. I had to call someone, I had to get help and I could only think of one person to call.


Author's note:

:O :O :O

THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR READING! Don't forget to vote or comment something nice if you like what I'm writing! xoxo

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