Chapter 12 - Close as strangers

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Calum's Point of View
-2 weeks later-

"This song is amazing dude, but are you sure you want to release it?" Luke scratched the back of his neck. "I mean it's quite personal."

I nodded. "Let's release it. I mean why not. It's a good song and now when we actually have recorded it, we might as well share it with our fans."

The song is not perfectly recorded since we're on tour and don't have the best things to record with but it's good enough.

Ashton, Luke and Michael all nodded. "Okay, let's do it." Ashton patted my back.

I have had a bit of a hard time these last two weeks but I've tried not to show it but I know that the guys notice. We notice a lot about each other, if things are bad or not et cetera.

No one else except Ash, Michael and Luke knows what happened between me and Ivy. No one else knows that she cheated on me. No one, not our fans, not our manager, not our tour mom. I wonder what rumors will be made up when we release this song. I hope our fans don't start hating on Ivy, even though she hurt me and even though she broke my heart, I still care about her too much. I can't stop caring about her or stop loving her and I probably never will.

I'm angry with Ivy for cheating on me and I'm angry with myself for not fighting harder to keep Ivy in my life. I still can't believe how we ended up like this, like strangers.


Ivy's Point of View

I woke up. It's Saturday. Two days and then my art exhibition should be all finished. It feels like yesterday that I just found out that I was the one who would put up this art exhibition. It feels like yesterday that I skyped with Calum and we laughed, told each other that we loved each other. He was so proud of me and I was so proud of him. Pfft... bullshit, it's nothing more than bullshit.

I went up from my bed and made my way towards the kitchen to get some breakfast. As usual, my mother hadn't woken up yet. She almost never wakes up before me, not even when she's going to work.

After I had pushed down a bowl of cereals and milk, I walked back to my room to put on some clothes. Since a few weeks back, okay, I shouldn't lie. Since the day I had called Calum and told him about my wild birthday night, I haven't had much appetite. I didn't want to be this tied up with Calum anymore but in some stupid way, I couldn't stop.

When I had put on some clothes, a pair of jeans and a grey tank top, I picked up my phone for the first time this morning. I unplugged it from the wall outlet and opened it up. I had not as many twitter mentions as the two earlier times but I had much more than usually. I started to get annoyed with all these mentions from the band's fans. What the hell had happened now, I thought to myself.

This time it was just a bunch of video links and some had wrote something in style with. "You have to listen to this Ivy!" Or, "This is just sad :("

I sighed and clicked at the video link. It was uploaded to 5 seconds of summer's own youtube channel. The video was named Close As Strangers - 5 Seconds Of Summer.

Now I was confused. Had they recorded a new song. I thought they didn't record or write songs on their tours. I clicked play either way.

It was Michael who started to sing. "Six weeks since I've been away. Now you're saying everything has changed, and I'm afraid that I might be losing you..."

And then came Luke with the chorus. "Are we wasting time, talking on a broken line, telling you I haven't seen your face in ages. I feel like we're as close as strangers. Won't give up, even though it hurts so much. Every night I'm, losing you in a thousand faces, now it feels we're as close as strangers."

When Calum started to sing, I froze. I couldn't move, couldn't breathe. I stood in the middle of my room just listening to all these words Calum had written for me.

"Late night calls and another text, is this as good as we're gonna get. Another timezone taking me away from you. Living dreams and fluorescent lights, while you and I run out of time. But you know I'll always wait for you..."

When the song ended, something inside me broke. I threw my phone on my bed and let my knees hit the floor. Tears streamed down my face but I barely even noticed. I didn't cry because I was sad, well maybe a little, but I cried mostly because I was angry and frustrated. Angry and frustrated with myself because I had screwed up so much and angry and frustrated with Calum because he made it so hard for me. Didn't he understand how much I had been hurting these last months since he went away. I just couldn't deal with this anymore.

I dried my tears and went to pick up my phone. After a few minutes of searching in my room, I finally found what I was looking for. Theo's note.

I hadn't seen Theo since my birthday. I had just focused on my art exhibition the last two weeks and on Monday it was opening. I hadn't thought about calling him, never ever again, but now I just didn't care.

He picked up pretty quickly. "It's Theo."

I swallowed. "Hi. It's Ivy."

"Ivy, yeah I remember you. What's up?" He sounded sexy even on the phone.

I tried to bring up every ounce of confident into my voice when I said. "I need your help."


Author's note:
Close as strangers is such a beautiful song! Just had to put it out there lol.


Close As Strangers // Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now