Chapter 25 - On tour

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Ivy's Point of View
-2 weeks later-

I felt a hand and a thumb stroking my thigh. "Ivy. Wake up." Calum whispered in my ear. I hadn't even noticed that I'd fallen asleep. I blinked with my eyes a few times and a little yawn escaped my mouth. When I opened my eyes fully I was met by Calum's wonderful smile.

"Welcome to Japan." Calum nodded towards the plane window on my left side and I turned my head to look out.

It was early afternoon and all I could see on the ground was very small cars moving through the city and high skyscrapers. Tokyo, Japan. The first stop on this four months long tour. This felt surreal. I was on tour with 5 Seconds Of Summer and I was going to travel to so many different places during these four months. And I didn't have to stay at home while my boyfriend, I mean husband was on the other side of the world.

It also felt good to be away from home. I was nineteen and had very very few times been outside my hometown Sydney, or my house for that matter. Since my father died I had been at home almost 24/7. I had been staying at home, feeling sad, being pissed at my mother and dealing with a depression I didn't knew I had. But this was, as I had said when Calum proposed to me, a new chapter in our lives.

When we landed at Tokyo's airport, a ton of fans was waiting for the band. I intertwined my fingers with Calum's when we walked off the plane and was met by screaming fans. The 5SOS family had known that Calum and I was engaged and was going to get married around two months after he had proposed to me and just a few days ago some pictures from our wedding had been leaked on the internet. It still felt weird to be all over the internet based on who you were together with. The fans had been very supportive of our decision which I was forever grateful for. I didn't want Calum to get lots of hate just because he married me.

The boys smiled and waved at the fans when the bodyguards led us through the gate while I tried to be a bit in the background. I didn't want anyone to feel like I stole 5SOS spotlight by coming with them on the tour. I was just here to have fun with my best friends, see them actualize their dreams and be near my husband.

"That was crazy!" I burst out when me, Calum, Ashton, Luke and Michael had climbed into the car that was going to take us to the arena.

Luke laughed slightly. "Yeah it is."

"But shouldn't you be used to this, or something." I asked and looked out the window when the car started to move.

"Maybe we are but it's still so surreal to see all the love and support from our fans." Ashton said.

I nodded and then clapped my hands together. "I'm so excited to see what this tour will bring and what I'll get to see." I smiled big.

Calum laughed slightly beside me.

"What's so funny?" I frowned at him.

Calum laughed a bit louder before answering. "You just look so funny. Like a little excited child." He reached over and pinched both of my cheeks. "You're so cute."

I reached out my tongue towards him and hit off his hands from my cheeks while Ashton, Luke and Michael started laughing softly.

Once we got to the arena, it didn't take long before Calum, Ashton, Michael and Luke was going up on stage to start of the tour.

I saw the show from behind the stage and it was amazing. Ashton's drum solo, the way the fans sang their lyrics back at them, their energy on stage and the way the guys talked so easily to the audience, like they were all long time friends. And when the confetti rained down and finished the show, I felt a rush of energy and happiness go through my body. It was so fun to see how happy Calum, Ashton, Luke and Michael were to be able to stand on that stage and play in front of their fans.

After three days in Japan, we flew on to Europe where the same procedure continued. We landed and met fans at the airport. When we were at the arena, I liked to walk around and explore the sorroundings or just hang together with the boys in their dressing room. I watched their shows from either backstage or sometimes from the audience and every time, the show was as good as the first time and every time I got this uplifting feeling of happiness and how proud I was of Calum, Michael, Luke and Ash.


Author's note:

This became some sort of short filler chapter :P Hope you enjoyed it anyways! :)

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