Chapter 1 - You and me

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Ivy's Point of View

I slowly traced my fingers over one of Calum's tattoos. One of the many things I love about Calum are his tattoos. I've always found tattoos beautiful, especially his. Maybe because they are a part of him, this boy that I've loved almost my whole life. It began as just love for a friend, which started when my family moved to the little white house beside his. I was six and he was seven. We became inseparable and have been since. And now the last fourteen months our relationship has grown to us being more than just friends. I would do anything for Calum. He was there for me when my father died when I was thriteen, and I have been there for him, watching 5 Seconds Of Summer grow from just being Calum and Luke uploading covers to Youtube, to now their first ever world tour.

I moved my fingers to another tattoo and started moving them around in different patterns. Some might say that people with tattoos are frightening, that they are bad people who destroy their bodies. But that's not me, no. Calum's tattoos make me calm. Like now, when I'm lying with my head on his bare chest, feeling his heart beating and tracing my fingers over his beautiful tattoos. I couldn't feel more relaxed and safe.

"What are you thinking about babe?" Calum's voice is a bit hoarse after so long of just lying in his bed without talking. I feel like we're in the song Disconnected because we've been lying in Calum's bed for hours just cuddling and making the most of the time we have left together.

"All kinds of stuff." I looked up into Calum's brown eyes which I was so familiar with. "But mostly you and me, how much you've done for me and how grateful I am that you've been such a big part of my life."

Calum made a grimace. "Now this sounds depressing. You're talking like you'll never get to see me again."

"Maybe I never will." I bit my lip, a habit I had grown during the time my dad was sick before he died.

Calum took a firm grip around my arms and lifted me so that I now had to sit up with my legs on each side of his. He had a very serious expression on his beautiful face. "Ivy don't be like this, please." He took my hands in his and intertwined our fingers. "I know this will sound really pathetic but we have a bond. And our bond will never be broken, you know that."

"Yeah, that actually sounded pretty pathetic." A giggle escaped my mouth.

Calum threw up his arms in the air like if he was receiving a standing ovation. "Don't judge me just because I'm much more poetic than you." He said in a sarcastic manner.

"You wish!" I laughed and lightly punched his shoulder with my fist.

He smiled at me and aah, everytime I see that smile it feels like I'm falling in love with him all over again. Everything about Calum takes my breath away, the way he always touch me so gentle but yet with so much passion, the way his soft lips touch mine and his beautiful smile, which if it gets wide enough makes little cute wrinkles around his eyes. When this happens I know he is genuinely happy.

"You know I do." Calum winked at me and then slowly kissed my lips which always sent sparks through my body. I knew Calum was just joking with me, he is a freaking songwriter! I can't even come up with a beautiful sentence if so my life would depend on it.

When our lips parted after the kiss, I put my hands around Calum's neck and started playing with his dark hair. "You're right, I'm just being dramatic."

Calum nodded. "Yeah, and you know that we will keep in touch and in five months when I come home I know it will feel like I've never been gone."

I leaned my forehead against Calum's. "Yeah I know."


The next day when I woke up Calum was gone. Although I knew he would never leave without saying goodbye to me, I jumped out of his bed and hurried to one of the windows facing the street outside. I looked out and saw Ashton, Michael, Luke, Calum and two bodyguards place their last suitcases in a black car that would take them to the airport.

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