Chapter 8 - Social media

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Calum's Point of View

Michael, Ashton, Luke and I sat squeezed together in a black leather sofa. On our left sat a girl from Sugarscape. She had introduced herself as Carter and she would interview us. It's actually our first interview on this tour.

"5 seconds of summer, finally your tour has come to us here in America and you have your third show tomorrow, right?"

"Yeah, that's right." Ash said and we all nodded.

"And how's the tour been so far?" Carter asked.

"Wow..." Michael shook his head slightly. "It's been amazing. We've been playing around the world before, as supporting acts or acoustic shows, you know stuff like that. But now we have our own world tour, we get to play on all these awesome arenas and we have our own supporting act. It's crazy."

"Hearing thousands of fans singing our lyrics back to us every night, it's an amazing feeling. It blows my mind every time." Ashton said and I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah it's amazing that we get to do this, and the fans are fantastic. We're just having the time of our lives." Luke smiled big.

"Michael said something about your supporting act, tell me about them." The interviewer continued with her questions.

Ashton turned to me. "Calum, talk!"

I stared at him with confusion in my eyes.

"Yeah, you haven't said anything." Luke continued. "Talk!" Then we laughed.

"Okay okay, I'll talk. Well, their name is Hey Violet and they are actually the first band that we have signed to our record label Hi or hey records." I said.

Michael pointed with one of his fingers towards the camera. "It still exist! Hi or hey records still exists!"

"You heard it here first folks!" Ashton burst out and we all laughed, including Carter.

"But yeah, they are very nice lads and very talented. They also write their own stuff." Ashton continued.

"Lads." I said.

"Lads, lads, lads." You could hear from Michael and soon we were all screaming lads. It seems like we can't get enough of that word. How do we, every time in an interview end up getting off topic. We are some random dudes.

"Okay okay, moving on from the lads. Michael tell me about your accident in London. I can't even imagine how scary that must have been."

"It was really scary but I'm lucky, it could have been much worse." Michael answered.

"You're like, pfft I'm macho that was nothing." I cupped my hands around my mouth and whispered towards the camera. "He cried like a baby backstage."

Michael turned towards me with his mouth open, he looked really offended.

I laughed at Michael's expression. "No, I'm just kidding. It was really scary and awful for me, for all of us to see it happen."

Ashton and Luke nodded and mumbled in agreement.

"I'm glad it worked out." Carter looked through her papers. "Okay, this next question is for you Calum."

I knew what she was going to ask before she even opened her mouth to continue. "I know that a lot of your fans are very jealous of Ivy, but I also know that very many ship you two Calum, at least I do." She giggled slightly. "But how is it to be together with the famous Calum Hood? Has she gotten any hate or is it all a dance on roses?"

"Of course it's not all a dance on roses but she tries not to care about what people say or write to her. And I'm not complaining, our fans are so supportive of our relationship and I couldn't be more thankful towards them. They are awesome." I said and smiled.

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