Chapter 11 - The morning after

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Ivy's Point of View

I blinked a few times and then opened my eyes entirely. For one second I didn't know were I was but when I turned around in the bed I came face to face with a sleeping Theo and it suddenly hit me what I had done.

I put my hand over my mouth and smoothly jumped out of the bed. I tried not to make any sounds so I would wake Theo up but as soon as I stood up, my head exploded in pain. Stupid hangover I thought while I groaned and put my fingers against my temples and tried to massage away the pain. My groan made Theo move and then his eyes opened and looked straight at me.

He smiled and sat up in the bed. He pulled my body closer to him and the bed and his hands found their way up my naked body. It felt like my body was a map that he knew and could follow by heart.

"I had a really nice time last night." Theo said and tugged my body even closer to himself.

Suddenly I felt too exposed. I took a few steps away from Theo and searched the room for my clothes. "Me too. But I really need to go now."

I found my clothes scattered by the door and went to put them on.

Theo turned around in his bed and looked at me when I put on my skirt. "Why in such a hurry? Can't you stay for breakfast?"

I tugged on me my shirt and shook my head. "Sorry I can't. I'm sure my mom is very worried about me and I have to get my car."

I knew that my mom would not be worried about me, she wouldn't even care, but I just needed to get away from here. Clear my head and get some fresh air.

Theo stood up from the bed and followed me out to his living room. "Okay, but I would really like to see you again some time."

He scribbled something down on a note while I picked up my purse from the floor. He handed me the note and said, "Call me next time you want to have some fun." He winked at me.

I took the note from his outstretched hand and put it in my purse. I swallowed. "I will."

I hurried to put my shoes on and then I walked out of Theo's apartment. I didn't want to wait for the slow elevator so I took the steps instead. Lucky for me, Theo's apartment wasn't so far away from the club were I had left my car yesterday. I still didn't know why I had taken the car, Leah and I could just have taken a cab yesterday.

After around twenty minutes of walking, I came to my car. I needed to think through what had happened last night but I still needed to get further away from Theo's apartment and the club. I jumped into the car and drove way over the speed limit. It wasn't much trafic anyways. Then it hit me that I didn't know what time it was. I looked at the clock on the car's dashboard. It was only 7.47 am.

After a few minutes I stopped the car beside the road. I took a couple of deep breaths. What have I done. I cheated on Calum. I barely noticed the tears that were dripping down my face and into my lap.

I picked up my phone from my purse. I just wanted to call Leah. But when I opened up my phone I had a text messages and it was from Calum. It said - Happy birthday! And then a heart. Last night I thought that he didn't care enough to send me a birthday message but I guess he actually did.

Another thing I noticed on my phone was that, once again I had more twitter mentions than usual.

These time my mentions looked like this, "Omg this is so cute! You have to watch this Ivy!" and "Calum is so cute, watch this Ivy!"

More video links. But this time it was just the same video. From the description box of the video I found out that it was from yesterday when 5 seconds of summer had been in Vancouver.

I pressed play. The video showed the band playing Beside You on stage and the fans were singing along. I wondered why everybody had sent me this link but when the song came to the bridge, I understood why. After Luke had sang his part, Calum said. "This is for you Ivy, happy birthday."

And then he sang. "She sleeps alone. My heart wants to come home. I wish I was, I wish I was..."

Now I couldn't stop the tears from streaming down my face. How could I have done what I did. How could I have cheated on this adorable guy.

I still needed to talk to Leah. I dried my cheeks with the back of my hand while her phone rang. She answered on the sixth tone.

"Hi Ivy." I could hear that I had woken her up but right now I didn't care. I just needed to talk to her.

"How was last night with Oliver?" I asked and tried to keep my voice calm.

Her voice suddenly got much more alert. "He was so nice, he drove me home and then asked me out on a date. How was your night?"

And then the tears came again.

"Ivy, are you crying? What have happened?"

"I had sex with Theo and now I feel horrible. I cheated on Calum. He dedicated Beside You on the tour yesterday to me and said happy birhday." I said between my sobs. I didn't want to tell her about the drugs or whatever Theo had given me.

"But, I thought you were like, over him."

I took a shaky breath. "Me too, but I guess not and now I feel terrible."

"Maybe you should call and talk to him." Leah said quietly.

"Yeah, I guess I should. Thanks, I'll talk to you later."

"Wait!" Leah stopped me from hanging up. "Did you use protection or something?" She sounded a bit worried.

"Yes we did. I really don't want to get pregnant right now and especially not with Theo."

"Good. I'll talk to you later." We hung up.

I sat in the car for a few minutes just breathing slowly until I found the courage to call Calum. This would break his heart. I would break his heart. But I had to do this.


Calum's Point of View

Me and the boys were in the dressing room. We had just gone of stage a couple of minutes ago. Over twenty-four hours and Ivy hadn't answered my happy birthday text yet. I guess this was it, she really didn't care about me, about us anymore.

But then my phone rang. The display said Ivy is calling. I couldn't believe what I saw. I hurried out of the dressing room while Luke, Michael and Ashton bewildered called my name after me.

I ran through a whole corridor before I stopped and answered. If this really was true, I wanted to be all alone.

When I answered, Ivy was crying. I asked her what had happened.

She started talking about how we had lost contact with each other and that she didn't understand why or how it had happened. She said that we didn't have anything to talk about anymore and she thought that it felt like we were strangers to each other. And I actually agreed with her.

After this I thought that she was going to hang up on me but instead she said those horrible words. Those words that peirced a hole through my heart, shattered it into a million peices.

"Calum. I met a guy last night at a club. And we, we had sex." She said and then she started sobbing. "I'm so sorry Cal. I just needed to tell you. I'm so sorry."

I didn't know what to say so I just hung up the phone. How could she.

It was then that I started writing. I wrote and wrote and wrote. I wrote all night, and when Michael, Ashton and Luke found me sleeping the next day, we had a finished song to record.


Author's note:

I'm baaack! :D

Ooh, some drama :O ;)

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