Chapter 6 - Big

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Ivy's Point of View

I drove up outside Leah's apartment building were she lived with her mom, dad and her cute little pug. Leah was already waiting outside the door and when I had stopped the car she hurried towards my mom's red Audi. She opened the door and jumped into the seat next to mine.

"Good morning." I said with a big smile on my face. I turned the car around and began our 20 minute trip to school. I usually pick up Leah sometimes when she can't ride with her cousin who goes to the school next to ours. This was one of those days. Leah hadn't passed her drivers license yet so she couldn't drive by herself.

"Good morning..." She said hesitantly. "You seem unusually happy. Are you sure that you are my best friend Ivy Tailleur and not some alien?"

I opened my mouth to answer but she just laughed. "I'm kidding. What's up? What makes you so happy this morning?"

"Well first of all, I had a really nice skype call with Calum yesterday."

Leah wrinkled her nose like she had smelled something bad. "Uggh, don't tell me you had virtual sex or something, in that case I don't want to know... Only if it's the real thing." She winked at me.

"Oh no no no... Not nice like that, you dirty girl." I lightly hit her arm with my hand and Leah laughed. "It was just nice to see his face and talk to him. And the rest of the boys were there too. I'm sure I extended my life with a few months because I laughed so much yesterday." I giggle escaped my mouth when I thought about yesterday evening.

"And the other thing is.... wait for it, wait for it." I saw how excited she was about my news. "Ms Palmer chose me as the student to put together their own art exhibition!"

Leah's eyes got wider and wider and then she squealed so high that the pedestrians we drove by probably heard it. "Oh my god! That's so fucking awesome! I'm so happy for you!" She put her arms around me and hugged me tight.

"Okay, okay take it easy. I'm driving over here."

"Oh sorry. I'm just so happy for you." Leah quickly let go of me but she still couldn't stop smiling. "But hey, they usually don't let the youngest do the big projects... I mean you've only been a student for less than a year on this school."

Leah and I go to Sydney's music and art school, it's really fancy. Leah studies as a DJ and producer. Most of all the students wait for these "big projects" as they are called among the students. That's the chance of getting discovered. The teacher's mostly hand these out to students who have gone on the school for at least two or three years.

"I know, that's why this is such an honor and I really have to show the teacher's that they didn't do a mistake by picking me for the art project." I turned in to the school's parking lot and turned off the engine.

"I hope I'll get the big project soon, I mean playing on the Sydney Festival.... Wow!" Leah's eyes shone when we walked against the school entrance.

"You will get it, I know it! I mean you are so talented!"

Leah put her arm around me. "Awwe, thank you bestie! I can't say anything else about you."


Calum's Point of View

"This is awesome! I still can't believe that our amazing fans let us do this. Play at these big arenas and all." I had to yell to overhear the fans screams. Me and the boys stood behind the stage waiting to get out and play.

"Yeah, they are truly amazing!" Luke yelled back and Michael and Ash smiled. We have the best fans in the world.

Then the countdown started and Ashton got ready to run up to his beloved drumkit.

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