Chapter 24 - A spicy wedding

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Calum's Point of View
-6 months later-

I stroked with my hands over the front of my black blazer for the ninth time, flattening the invisible wrinkles and dusting off some invisible dust. I admit that I was nervous but I couldn't be more sure about my decision. I wanted to spend the rest of my life together with Ivy.

My four best friends came up behind me and Michael slapped my back while Luke and Ashton squeezed my shoulders. "How are you feeling." Ashton asked.

"A bit nervous, exited and very happy." I smiled at them all before asking, "Are you all still okay with me taking Ivy with us on the tour?"

"Of course." Luke said while Ash and Michael nodded.

"She's like our sister. Of course she's welcome on the tour." Ashton said.

"But just, don't be too loud when you're..." Michael started moving his hips back and forth and we all cracked up laughing.

I looked out over the little park, the exact same spot where I had proposed to Ivy six months ago. This park meant so much to us both and we had wanted a pretty simple wedding, just our friends and family. We both had also wanted to get married before the tour started which was in two weeks.

My mom, dad, Mali-Koa and Ivy's sister and mother sat on plastic chairs in the front row and more guests were arriving. I was standing together with Luke, Ashton, Michael and the priest by the alter which was like an arch over us which was adorned with light purple and white flowers. It was a nice winter day in Sydney, just below twenty degrees celsius and only a few clouds which looked like cotton, floating around in the sky.

Michael interrupted my thoughts. "Man, I can't believe you're getting married!"

"Me neither." I answered.


Ivy's Point of View

"How are you feeling?" Leah asked me from behind.

I was standing in my house and looking at myself in the hall's body mirror. My hair was hanging down around my shoulders with two small braids meeting at the back of my head. My dress was white and long with a puffy bottom and a strapless top which was covered in lace. The bottom and top met right under my boobs with a small silver strap.

I laughed slightly. "I'm really nervous."

"But this is what you want right?" Leah came up behind me and put her head on my shoulder. As my maid of honor, she was wearing a long light purple silk dress.

"Of course. Calum and I are made for each other. This will be perfect." I said and we smiled at each other in the mirror.

"I just wish my dad could be here." My smile faded.

Leah nodded slowly and then glanced to the side where the clock was hanging on the wall. "Oh shit, we need to go!"

We hurried out the door with our flower bouquets. My bouquet was full of white and light purple flowers while Leah's bouquet looked the same but only smaller.

Leah unlocked her car that was waiting for us outside my house but before I got a chance to get inside it, Leah took a hold around both my shoulders and looked me in the eyes. "You look beautiful."

"You too." I said, feeling tears in my eyes. I blinked a few times so I wouldn't ruin my makeup. I couldn't believe I was getting married!

We hugged and Leah whispered into my ear. "Calum is a lucky guy." Which once again almost made me start to cry.

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