Chapter 2 - What are friends for

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Ivy's Point of View
-2 days earlier-

"So, how are you feeling?" My best friend Leah looked at me with concern in her eyes from across her bed. Leah was my first female friend I'd gotten when my family moved here to Sydney. She's also kind of the only female friend I have. Of course we go out with friends from school sometimes, but Leah is the only one I can really trust, except Calum.

I hugged the fluffy pillow harder. "Well.... It will be hard." I glanced down at my fingers which were on their way scraping off my dark purple nail polish that I so nicely had painted on my nails last night. "I'm just afraid he will find someone better than me you know. That he will forget about me." Every since my father died I have had a way of very easy getting depressed and thinking very negative about things.

Leah pulled away the pillow from my arms but I still didn't look up at her. "Stop now Ivy. I know he will never forget about you, I mean you have for fuck's sake known each other for almost twelve years!"

I opened my mouth to say something more pitiful but Leah interrupted me. "No, don't say anything more! You love him and he loves you, of course he's not going to forget you or anything like that."

This was one of the many great things about Leah Knowles, my best friend. She always got me on other thoughts, positive and happy thoughts. Calum had been the shoulder to cry on when my dad had died but Leah was the one who had made me laugh again and got me to understand that life was worth living.

"And by the way, he have been away on tour before and that was never a big deal."

I sighed and stopped scraping away my nail polish. "But that was like max three weeks, not five months!"

"Stop, it will be fine!" Leah said and guided my eyes away from my hands and to her grey blue eyes instead.

"Yeah, you're right." I smiled at Leah, a real and genuine smile. "You are the best, you know that right? I don't know what I would do without you."

"Of course I know that. But I think you forgot to mention that I'm also awesome, badass, fantastic and fabulous."

We both burst out laughing and Leah scooted closer to me and gave me a hug. "I love you."

"Awwe, I love you too. So, are we gonna watch that movie you were talking about?"

Leah gasped and quickly let go of me. "Ivy Elisabeth Tailleur! It's not just any movie, it's The Avengers!" She started waving her hand in front of her face like she was very hot and needed to cool off.

I shook my head slightly which only made Leah more disappointed in me. "I still can't believe you haven't watched it!"

"Come here!" She hit her hand against the bed beside her and I moved so I sat next to her. "Once you've seen it, you will love it! I promise."


Calum's Point of View

I was on my way to fall asleep on the plane but then Michael's voice made me alert. "How are you feeling buddy?"

I sighed and ran my hands through my tousled hair. "Oh man, I miss her like hell. But I know it will feel better as soon as I get up on that stage and get to do what I love, play music and sing with you guys."

"That's the spirit Cal!" I smiled when I heard Ash behind me.

"And as I said to Ivy, we have a bond and it will not be broken!"

Michael slapped my back a few times. "Yeah, you two love each other so much so when you come home it will feel like you've never even been gone. I'm sure of it! Now let's make the most of this tour. Let's rock out with our socks out!" Michael raised his voice and he, Luke and Ashton started cheering.

I laughed, put my left fist into the air and cheered together with them. People on the plane probabaly thought we were stupid or something, but I didn't care because these were my best friends, who always could cheer me up and this tour was going to be awesome.


Author's note:
So this chapter got pretty short but I basically just wanted to let you know how Ivy and Calum feel about the tour and I also wanted to introduce Leah.

I dedicate this to multifandomreign becasue she is my best friend in the whole world and she's the best! Love you!

THANK YOU ALL FOR READING YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME! Don't forget to vote or comment something nice if you like what I'm writing! xoxo

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