ii. streets of queens.

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act iii. mend the bond.

CHAPTER TWO — streets of queens

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CHAPTER TWO — streets of queens

TALIA HADN'T REALIZED she had made it to Delmar's until she almost crashed into the front glass door. Talia looked at her phone and it was 2:50 pm. She looked up and saw Peter smiling at her as he walked closer to her. She smiled as Peter hugged her and picked her up and twirled her around for a few seconds,
"You look great," he said against her hair. Talia chuckled, they hadn't seen each other for two months and Peter already missed her this much,
"Thank you. You look good too," she said. Peter put her down and opened the door for her. She walked in with Peter following behind her,
"What's up, Mr. Delmar?" he said from behind her. The man at the counter turned around to look at the two teenagers,
"Hey, Mr. Parker. Number five, right?" he said leaning against the counter. Peter grabbed a bag of sour gummy worms and placed it down on the counter,
"Yeah, and with pickles, and can you smush it down real flat? Thanks," he said. Talia looked at him with a disgusted look on her face,
"Ew. You like pickles?" she asked. Peter looked down at her,
"Yeah. Pickles are good," he said. Talia shook her head disagreeing with him. Mr. Delmar looked up at Peter,
"How's your aunt?" he asked. Peter had his arms crossed over his chest as he looked at Mr. Delmar,
"Yeah, she's all right," he said. Talia felt her phone buzz, so she walked outside, away from Peter as he talked to Mr. Delmar. She sighed when she looked at her phone and saw that Tony was calling her. To be honest, she thought about not answering it but she knew that he would scold her about it when he saw her again,
"Hey, Tony," she said answering the phone. Tony exhaled in relief,
"Hey Red, how's the kid? Have you met up with him yet?" he asked. Talia looked through the window and saw Peter petting the cat that was on the counter,
"He's fine. I'm with him right now," she said. Tony nodded,
"I knew I could trust you. Thanks for doing this," he said. Talia rolled her eyes,
"No problem," she responded. She hung up when Peter walked out of the store and over to her,
"Who was that?" he asked. Talia shrugged and put her phone away,
"No one important," she said with a smile.

Peter grabbed Talia's hand and ran across the street with her following. They had almost gotten hit by a taxi which made Talia laugh as they continued running. Peter led her down an alleyway when he let go of her hand. She watched in confusion as he began to change into his Spider-Man suit,
"Do you change in this alley all the time?" she asked. Peter turned to her as he pulled off his sweater,
"Yeah, pretty much," he said out of breath. Talia's eyes widened when she saw Peter without his shirt, she didn't expect him to be so ripped. He was a nerdy 15-year-old and he looked as though he was sculpted by the gods themselves. She shook her head and snapped herself out of her trance and followed behind him as he webbed his backpack to the dumpster. Peter tapped the little spider on his suit and the suit shrunk to fit his body,
"So I'll swing and you'll-"
"follow you on the ground. I'm fine with that," she said cutting him off. Peter grabbed her hand,
"Are you sure?" he asked. Talia squeezed his hand,
"Have fun. I'll find you," she said with a smirk. Peter smiled under his mask and jumped to the roof of a building. Talia smiled widely as she watched Peter swing from building to building. She could see why that would be fun. Why you'd wish for time to go faster while you were at school, just to do that after. She walked out of the alley and onto the main street, in the general direction that Peter went. She stopped after walking for a couple of minutes at a bike that had a note on it,
"Is this your bike? If not, don't steal it! - Spider-Man"
Talia chuckled as she read the note. She looked down at her watch that Tony had made her. She tapped on the locator app and tapped on the "Spider-Man" icon. The little red dot was moving pretty fast on the map, which meant Peter had to have been swinging. Maybe twenty minutes later, Talia was walking down the street and saw Peter up on the edge of a building. She stopped right by a hot dog stand,
"Hey! You're that spider guy on YouTube, right?" the guy right next to her yelled. Peter looked down at the three people by the hot dog stand,
"Call me Spider-Man!" he shouted. Peter noticed one of the three people was Talia, he could recognize that red hair anywhere,
"Okay, Spider-Man. Do a flip," the man said. Peter did a backflip and shrugged after,
"Yeah!" the man shouted. Talia smirked and shook her head,
"Not bad," the man carrying the boom box said.

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