Thirtyeighth AU idea: a simple switch

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Ok so basically during season 1 instead of taco being in the final two it's balloon, also instead of pickle being betrayed it's nickel, taco is still British but kept it hidden because they were afraid they would stand out (instead of pretending to be stupid to betray everyone later on),ok that's all the context you need now On to the IDEA!

Balloon couldn't believe it after everything he's done after all the lies, strings he pulled he had lost his only chance at getting the money all because of a stupid glass of juice "no NO!" He thought he couldn't let it end this way (balloon attacks OJ, the fight with Mephone4S happens, and taco along with everyone now lives in the hotel until season 2)

Time skip

Same stuff happens MePhone crashes into the hotel and start season 2 balloon noticed the Commotion as well but more on that later also almost forgot to mention taco is not hated by almost everyone which includes nickel (who is very much still getting over balloon) baseball & lightbulb still win the ice breakers but which team wins the other challenges is up to whoever is gonna write this!

Balloon is introduced WAY earlier then taco and convinces Mic to team up with him to win the prize money (for emotional/drama reasons I can't think of that's up to you guys!) it goes according to plan for the most part except a couple hiccups due to balloon seeing nickel every now and again (drama happens mic has to steal some hardware from the mecloud, brake into testtube's lab and get experiment 626, and a third thing I can't seem to think of) more stuff happen which is up to you guys and that's all I can think of honestly.

Ok well that was fun to write please make sure to COMMENT please and HAVE A HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

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