Sixth AU idea: The Outdated Ones Queen

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So we know that cobs usually kills the outdated mephones. but what happens to the parts? Well we also know that III is being hosted on an island that a lot of people don't know about. So how did mephone know where the island was? Well because he was programmed to know duh and so mepel dumps there broken meple products, parts, and mephones/mepads in a cave system below the island.

Ok so know that you guys or girls or others or attack helicopter's have context on to the part that make the title make sense. So this takes place before paintbrush gets eliminated during season three and lightbulb decides to go visit them because mephone had to tell everyone at the hotel were everyone was for legal reasons. But when she gets there she kind of mess up a challenge for paintbrush and there team so they all got mad and started yelling at her so lightbulb gets upset and runs away so of course they fall in a hole.

Lightbulb then falls in the meple trash yard (that's what I'm calling it anyways) and accidentally activates one of the broken mephones with there electric powers (I mean they powered a rocket with it I don't see why they couldn't do this) so they both start freaking out I mean so would you if you awoke a dead corpse. After a while of that they both calm down and they basically become friends! And lightbulb just starts reactivating more meple products.

While that is happening everyone on the surface starts to worry especially paintbrush.

Now that's all I got but know this if you do use this just know you have to make it so lightbulb becomes queen of the abandoned meple people. Now I hope you all injoy this idea and have a good day

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