Twentynineth AU Idea: mad-max X tpot character bio/world building (updated)

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(Yes this is updated I didn't add the W O R L D part of world building so It's updated now ye)

Hey me again I'm writing this cuz I forgot to do it last time so I will be explaining the changes of character for these characters do to the mad max world, pillow's emotional sh** storm!, and of course the introduction of new characters. I also thought of a title for this AU, the mad world of two thank you ShyArtisticPerson for the inspiration! also I forgot to mention this AU has blood and guts for this concept to work.


Book: the Empress aka Empress book, queen of the five tribes, cannibal, mad at pillow for TPOT 9, preferred weapon of choice is the bazooka, skilled at parkour/jumping, fan of gladiatorial combat, has an eyepatch and awesome leather boots, kind of went insane (if you hadn't noticed 🙄), such a badass she doesn't have/need mad max style robo limb's, used book pages to help rise to power (her pages hold a LOT of information!), enjoys eating the eyeballs of the body most of all, used smarts to build a Device so two couldn't take them out of the dimension there in, highly dislike's betrayal, skilled with using the bazooka, made pillows public enemy number one (but is kinda in love with them idk I just like pillow x book).

Lightning: ⭐️the thunder⭐️, champion of the raffle (a gladiatorial contest of sorts for two objects were the loser gets eaten and the winner gets the first bite and then everyone else gets to eat there fill), 64 wins 4 losses (now 5 due to losing to barf-bag) in the ring, cannibal, has robo arm that helps control electric powers, can use powers to power mad max style vehicles, has eyepatch, loyal only to the empress, wishes for vengeance against death P.A.C.T for getting them eliminated, uses a wrestler voice when fighting in the Colosseum.

Tear drop: Tidal Wave, is fu**ing huge like the size of a small building!, use's giant robot limbs to help move around due to size but still normal sized limbs, cannibal, mute, enjoy's eating the liver the most, can run faster then a car due to being big (long legs), loyal to the Empress.

Pie: pie (what? they can't all be winners!), used to be in death P.A.C.T with lightning, really really enjoys fire & killing now, cannibal, has a flame mask & flame thrower, enjoys extra crispy Innards, arsonist, loyal to the Empress.

Clock: clock, cannibal, has robo limbs inplace of clock hands, obsessed with winner still and wishes to taste their succulent flesh, likes to mod arms with tools (the robot ones he had no arms originally), loyal to the Empress.

Gas mask: gas mask, cannibal, enjoys vehicle making, has a robo arm, looks like the bain mask, originally from a different planet that two tried to host his show at but he kinda fu**ed up and sent everyone to the elimination dimension, loyal to the Empress.

Pillow: pillow, Depressed, feels bad for what they did to book, she wears a tear and snot covered hoodie after book got eliminated, somehow made it to the final two, not a cannibal, has Committed a LOT of murder in the past but stoped after book got eliminated.

I'm not sure what to do with the other eliminated characters so that's up to whoever writes this AU. Any way I hoped you all liked this :)


The Field/mountain: has Africa esc grass, what E-city used to be, place were objects show up after being eliminated/sent there.

E-city: full name is eliminated city, after book took over they decided to modernize a bit, home of the colosseum, home of the empresses palace, home of the anti two tower, most buildings are made out of scrap metal except for the empresses palace.

The colosseum: is where the raffle fights take place (a gladiatorial contest of sorts for two objects were the loser gets eaten and the winner gets the first bite and then everyone else gets to eat there fill), the thunders favorite place!, who ever wins a fight for the first time gets to personally meet the empress.

The empresses palace: has a queen sized bed in the empresses bedroom (the bed is just big enough for book & a certain pillow shaped object), is home to the other eliminated contestants.

The anti two tower: a tower with a Device at the top of it that makes it so TWO can't poof them out of the plan (as the locals call this world), the Device was built by book and the other residents of the plan, built mostly out of scrap metal like most of the other sky scrappers.

Oh and before I forget the place used to be a Valhalla Like Field until book turned it into a city still pretty mad maxy though :| also the big ship in this is
pillow x book

Any way have a happy and marry Christmas! And good night!

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