Fourtysecond AU Idea: Of Seas And Love| The Obtopia revolution

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Why hello there I can't seem to think of any new AU's lately so I decided to expand upon an old one. I will be expanding upon the Obtopia revolution Incase someone (HOPEFULLY) writing my "Of Seas And Love" AU idea wants to do a flashback or fu**ing lore dump or something idk I just want to expand the lore on one of my best AU ideas! Anyway onto the show ;)

We start in the obtopian castle, the third prince mephone4 is talking with his brother and now first in line for the throne, the second prince Mephone4S they are talking about the generals plan for the current war with the eggopions (let's just say the war is not going well for either side) (also the eggopions are this worlds versions of those egg aliens) after the last battle both the people and the troops moral have hit rock bottom especially after the death of the first prince mephone 3gs.

it's taken awhile for the other two prince's to kinda come to Terms with it but when there father "king" Steven Cobsworth heard the news he legit said and I quote "eh I have two more, anyways general Springy your in charge" what a douche.

Time skip ⏰

The castle is currently a warzone fire, broken glass and stone litter the grand halls, peasants, soldiers, and others are fighting both against and with each other, the two young princes are dueling each other for there lives until the third prince manages to land a blow... killing his brother (its a real sad moment but That's up to you guys to describe)

after mephone (and the others) make it to the throne room they see cobsworth... crying in a corner while everyone was fighting for there lives he was there... crying in a corner. Mephone takes no time seizing the kingdom from his father, arresting/banishing  the people who sided with his father in the war, and building a statue to commemorate all those who fell during both the revolution and the eggopion war. And that's how we got to the kingdom of Obtopia we know to day now onto the characters!


Mephone: Prince Mephone4, the third prince of Obtopia, not depressed yet (not until after war), wants there fathers approval or any affection from him Period, rebelled against his father because he's a jerk.

Mephone4S: prince Mephone4S, the second prince of Obtopia, wants there fathers approval or any affection from him Period, joins navy to help king cobsworth (and to get him to say "I'm proud of you"), dies by his brothers blade.

OJ: General juice, second in command of the navy, works under general springy, GAY, helped the second prince mephone4 rebel against his father for the throne.

Springy the spring: General springy, loyal to king Steven Cobsworth, brave general of Obtopia, sane in the beginning but like in "a jury of your fears" near the end, has committed a war crime or two for the king.

Steve cobs: king Steven Cobsworth, has definitely committed at least one war crime, cowered, has other people do his stuff for him.

Mepad: adviser Mepad, ex adviser for king cobsworth before being put in jail for treason (they said not to go to war with the eggopions), liked by the prince, usually has a calm and collected attitude, can teleport.

Toilet: adviser Toilet, ex adviser for king cobsworth before being put in jail for treason (they said not to go to war with the eggopions), disliked by the prince,  spits A-LOT, can fly if peeved enough.
Well that's a good place to stop I hope you've liked this expansion on the lore everyone peace out!

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