Twentyfifth AU Idea: Object Planet

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Ok so basically in this AU everyone is a beast version of them selfs (no radiation ☢️ it's just normal in this world) now with that out of the way on to the story ;)

You guys ever seen animal planet or warrior cats? were they get you attached to the animal and then brutally murder them? Yeah this is kinda like that any way basically one day balloon was just chilling in the sun rays after hunting some fish🐟 and suddenly he's playfully pounced on by nickel some stuff happens fratricide is involved long idea short (because I can't think of anything) nickel, balloon, suitcase, and baseball' just won a animal war, almost everyone else is dead ☠️, there are like 3 impaled body's mostly caused by balloon, and there's blood everywhere

And that's all I can think of soooo good luck whoever decides to write this ;)

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