Twentysixth AU Idea: pizza tower x II

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Let's just skip the banter this time and go start to the story p.s this is based off of pizza tower if you never heard of it look it up on YouTube

One day at hotel-oj some of the ex-contestants have gone missing and OJ is having trouble paying the bills then he gets a call from a shadowy figure (which is just Steve Cobs in a dark room) he tells OJ he's gonna blow up his hotel with everybody inside if he doesn't go to his Metower right up on the hill nere the hotel. With no other choice OJ goes to the tower with paper & testtube and along his quest he meets the (brainwashed) missing people paintbrush (pepperman), chessey (the vigilante), and fan (the noise)! Basically the rest is up to you I'm tired so this is it good luck and I hope someone uses this idea :)

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