Fortythird AU Idea: dr paper & mr hyde

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Hi so as you've probably guessed from the Title this AU is a story about dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde but instead of them it's paper and evil paper who I will be referring to as mr. Cuts for this story because paper cuts (get it?) now onto the idea!

We zoom into the hotel, we find paper rolling in bed seemingly having a nightmare we then go into the subconscious seeing the black void where they first confronted cuts (evil paper) then cuts start talking about how their going to come back and stuff like that (sorry about poor writing not a lot of motivation right now) and they've been having this same nightmare for the past three weeks it's a little different each time but it still involved cuts (evil paper).

So After paper wakes up they go to testtube (because there the only doctor near/at the hotel) to see if they can help him with his nightmares (and Incase cuts WAS back if she could get rid of him) I can't really think of anything so long story short paper drinks a potion and now every night cuts takes control of papers body, both evil and wacky hijinks insue.

And sorry it's been awhile just been hard to find inspiration! Anyway hope y'all have a good day!

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