Sixteenth AU Idea: Phoenix Wright x II

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Ok so we know that paper was on OJ's side during the court case (Inanimate Insanity S2E7) but you ever wonder what paper was gonna use the prize money for? Well to open up a law firm of course! After he told OJ and some of the others about his dream to become a lawyer they decide to help paper with his dream mostly because they kind of owe him for taking care of them all.

Using a unused room they turned it into a law firm and OJ using the funds from his Hotel Business (other people actually go to the hotel in this AU not just Ex-competitors) to help Paper get a license and everything! After some time time had passed and Balloon got arrested for the (permanent) murder of another (non-competitor) guest so he called paper to help him be providing innocent.

Who the guilty party is will be up to you good luck and I hope you use any of all of my AU ideas ;)

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