Twentyseventh AU Idea: mad max X tpot part 1

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So this one's a bit of a different idea this one takes place in TPOT the Bfdi spin-off show now without A further ado on to the story!

Warning: gore, cannibalism, time-skips, and mad max

Ok so in this one it takes place after the latest episode were pillow went on a murder spree while the zombie apocalypse was going on! And Book is eliminated because of it (if you haven't watched bfdi I recommend you do it's pretty good) and before they go to the "ELIMINATION DIMENSION!" They blow up at pillow saying that she's a unfeeling psychopath in a way that actually Hurt pillow especially because book said she actually WANTED to be her friend but book doesn't care anymore and before pillow can say anything book forced two (tpot's host) to eliminate her.

Book wakes up in a grassy plain next to a mountain and is picked up by lightning in a mad max style car (as in she's grabbed while the car is moving) and is explained that there in a cannibal Valhalla situation were they can't die but they can still starve so the other objects trapped there just kinda went mad max on each other and started killing other groups to eat them so they don't die the slow painful death of ~starvation~ also clock now has some form of robo arms in place of there clock hands (they were armless before, also they went there instead of the kitchen) since book needed to blow off some steam after the whole pillow thing they Decided to pick up a rocket launcher (it was in the car which the other eliminated contestants stole) and blow up there Pursuers.


Around the finale two try's to bring back the eliminated the contestants (also they stopped sending other people after book since it just felt awkward) but failed so they send pillow (who now looks like a depressed shut in) and barf-bag there to bring them back but when they get there they see a LOT of wanted posters for pillow going on and what appears to be a gathering of people were a raffle appears to be taking place were two numbers are then drawn one being Lightning's number (who now has a robo arm) and a number for a person who dose not exist so they choose barf-bag since there new long story short it's a raffle for a fight to the death with another number and barf-bag wins so she gets force-fed the first bite which was lightnings eyeball after which he is surrounded by a mob and eating alive while simultaneously being regenerated while barf-bag gets to meet the empress.....

(pause for dramatic effect).... Book! She kinda went coco bananas in here and wanted to stay here so she with the help of her new loyal subjects built a Machine to make it so two can't take them away from there long story short pillow try's to apologize, sh** hits the figurative fan, and they Destroy the machine and gets everyone out of there including the other mad max guys the eliminated contestants (except for lightning) get hit with a memory eraser (built by golf ball and tennis ball) the mad maxers run away with lightning and things get back to normal... for now (dun dun duuuun!)

Alright that's the idea hope someone uses it! Also ShyArtisticPerson Hope you all like this :)

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