Thirtyfirst AU Idea: The Experimental Mother

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Ok so this is based off a Evil testtube AU by tobyreadz but the original is no longer there. So I'll describe it for you as to help understand the story a bit better but remember my AU won't be the exact same as the Toby's story no on to the recap, basically paintbrush is depressed and lightbulb wants to help so they go to test tube long story short test tube drugs fan, Oj, and lightbulb they also chop marshmallow and apple in half and sort of mush them together, they also split the cherries apart, paintbrush joined testtube with helping the experiments, paintbrush sewed the eyes of suitcase shut and sewed the mouth of balloon shut. That's all I remember right now so if you want to know more ask tobyreadz .

Now that you know that one I'll tell you what's different for mine, basically in this version only Oj, lightbulb, marshbul (apple marshmallow combination creature), and balloon were taken everything else is pretty much the same except the fact knife was taken and drugged so much they thought they were a monster and that the other captured were there baby's on the bright side for the captys there no longer being drugged due to knife now being so strong to to the effect of the drug and after a unknown length of Time a brake out occurred long story short "mother" knife grew into a lizard esc creature with with sharp spikes protruding its back/shoulders, claws as sharp as the metal knife was made of and a sharp AF tail, after words as the escapees we're looking in testtube's lab to find something to unsow balloons mouth they accidentally erase all of their memories except for the memories of the painful experiments they went through (idk man I'm trying here) sort of giving them new personalities AND HERE THEY ARE NOW :) (also they give themselves new names as well)


Lightbulb: Einstein, the Genius of the group, trans female (doesn't know it yet), hates the mean people (testtube & paintbrush), loves/is loyal to mother, loves to experiment on the bad "testtub", made gloves that helps power up there electrical powers

Knife: mother, sharp teeth, loves their children, strong as sh**, hates the bad people, took over lab,

OJ: juice, shy/timid, scared Easily, dose most of the cleaning up, really good with knives,

Balloon: pepper, thinks there a red pepper 🫑 even if everyone keeps telling him he isn't, self centered (loves mother more though), loves to paint, figured out how to use their floating to fight, has boots that have fans that due to there floating abilities can make him fly, really good at kicking/punching

Marshmallow/apple: Marshble, eats a lot!, goopy, can crawl in the vents really fast!, can grow when they eat do too goopyness

They kinda get in a fight with the hotel after they find them (they were looking for them due to them being missing ask tobyreadz for more info)

And that's all I got I hope you all liked this including you tobyreadz  I hope you especially liked this considering you haven't updated the reboot for a while so... you should get on that :| any way merry Christmas and happy new year! And someone please please please use one of my ideas!

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