Fortyfirst AU Idea: Sly Cooper 1 x II

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Before we start I would like to thank ShyArtisticPerson for helping me come up with the idea.

We shoot in on a familiar object (taco) jumping rooftop to rooftop; until they land on the police stations and they start to talk to another familiar object (testtube) telling them how to Break into the building fallowed by a third object (Trophy) screaming at them to get to the Rendezvous point (basically it's the first mission of sly cooper and the Thievius racoonus)

And cue intro!

Basically taco was orphaned due to a group known as the... I can't remember the actual name so I'm just gonna call them "the thieveus five". anyways the thieveus five killed her parents causing her to be put in an orphanage. where she met her now closest friends and teammates testtube and trophy! Testtube was the brains of the operation while trophy was the getaway driver and taco was of course the thief who came from a long line of master thieves (who only stole from other thieves). The thieveus five not only killed tacos parents but also stole her family's most priceless heirloom the thievius tacoonus (what? the names can't all be winners!) a book containing all of tacos family's thieving Techniques by just reading it a person could become a master thief! so now she's on a quest to get both the book back and get revenge.


Taco: Taco, master thief, still British, comes from a long line of master thieves, LESBIAN, wants revenge against the thieveus five for killing her parents.

Testtube: testtube, #1 tech wiz, brains of tacos thieving operation, part of tacos crew, good with machines.

Trophy: Trophy gold, a bit goofier then his Original counterpart, getaway driver and certified muscle, part of tacos crew.

Mic: mic fox, #1 international detective,LESBIAN, has kind of a hate/love thing going on with taco, really wants to be respected by her pears in interpole.

Steve cobs: cobwerk, a very hateful man, hates the entirety of tacos "bloodline" so much he replaced his mortal flesh with metal, was the one to come up with the plan to kill taco's parents, leader of the thieveus five.

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