Thirtysecond AU Idea: the king of fire and the godess of yoleland (bfb AU)

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This AU Idea has been in my head for awhile and is based off of the work of bemorediya so I'll be basically be recapping what I remember and if you have any further questions on the AU made by her just go to her account and ask ;). So here's what I remember from it basically firey gets tired of waiting around for four and X because no one knows were they are (oh and before I forget leafy never came back from yoleland) so he Decides to try and find dream island and brings the others with him and they find it long story short he becomes a mad tyrannical Cannibal king and they got a medieval situation going on oh also he makes a competition to find leafy and bring her to him because he intends to make her his queen (and make her wear a spiky collar) oh and the recovery centers are all "gone" (he has them nere a lava pit just in case) also there's a rebellion brewing. That's all I can remember if you want to know more of the original AU go to bemorediya and see the story for yourself ;) Anyway onto my story!

In this story we actually do not start at dream island
but instead the yolebarry infested lands of yoleland. After leafy lost everyone chasing her she had to live in yoleland for some years she learned how to make knives/metal from yolebarrys and wrote down that and other survival info. So when she got taken back to dream island the notes and other information tablets stayed behind. the original TLC and recovery center was located there as well and after like a week after leafy left the TLC some how opens and after the objects inside struggle to survive that is until one of them find the notes leafy left behind. Long story short they somehow make the Holy Roman Empire but call it the holy leafy empire due to them now believing leafy to be a god like being.

Some time later as donut and gelatin are running away from fireys kingdom (from the OG AU/story firey tried to eat them but leafy helped them escape) and so they soon run into a van the free-smart van to be precise and long story short they get captured and tell the leaders of the HLE (holy leafy empire) of what happened to both leafy and them selves after both taking in the city and coming out of the shock of seeing the leafy statues.

After getting word of leafy's capture/being held captive by an insane king the HLE starts prepping for an invasion! Along with recruiting evil leafy after convicting them they can meet leafy first.

After the war is Near it's conclusion they managed to get to leafy and EL (evil leafy) meet and EL give some weird powers to leafy and they kind of dissipate (idk man you fill in the blanks) now that's all I got you guys can fill in the blanks and thanks to bemorediya For the inspiration for this AU :) now have a marry Christmas and a happy new year!

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