Seventh AU Idea: Smiths shop

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Hello once again friends today we will be expanding upon My first AU idea about the "bow" bot prototypes. and with that I shall tell you.

now this is just one of the few ideas I have with this concept with this one I imaging there is one of the prototypes who would be kind of obsessed with BEING bow as kind of a way to hopefully get attention, love and respect from test-tube because of the whole abandoning them in a subterranean basement thing they also want to murder test-tube also because of the last thing I said. so to accomplish the goal of being bow the try to edit there body (reference pic at top) but when that dint work out they realize they only know bow because of others so through the teamwork of the other Bots, test-tubes research, scrap metal, and fans character wiki they made twisted duplicates of the season one contestants each with an army's worth of failed prototypes but unlike test tube smith dose not abandon them.

what happens next only you can say! anyway I hope you all enjoyed this AU idea and you try to wright them.

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