Thirtythird AU Idea: something Christmasy

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Hi since it's gonna be Christmas by the time I upload this I just wanted to say a few things first things first Merry Christmas to everyone reading this (and all those who aren't ;P ) I hope you are all enjoying the fun of this holiday season and thanks to all of you who helped my book make it this far! Now onto the AU Idea :)

So we start on Christmas Eve (obviously) and OJ with paper starts to set up the Christmas decorations (they couldn't do it earlier because of some hotel chaos) so as they and some others do that OJ gets lightbulb, paintbrush, fan, and testtube to go get a tree and while they do that the hotel is a sort of B plot thing where chaos goes out as they try to decorate here are some examples, salt & pepper kiss under a mistletoe (that salt set up for her & OJ), knife try's to set up the lights but it keeps going wrong, OJ doesn't give Christmas carolers Figgy pudding so they keep attacking/harassing the hotel/guest's, and paper keeps trying to set up a nice Christmas dinner but something keeps going wrong.

Now back to the A plot, as the lightbrights keep trying to look for the perfect tree (which testtube says is scientifically impossible) taco thinks they after her and keeps trying to get them to leave with home alone esc traps 🪤, and as the lightbrights get more and more pissed at the slowed attempts of finding a tree they finally find it! A tree which taco has been living in (like a squirrel!🐿) and taco  eventually realizes they were here for a tree not her so they decide to actually leave to tree and let them have their Christmas festivities... right after leaving a gift/note for pickle & mic. Also this is optional but there could be a C plot at the ghost mansion with them also trying to set up for Christmas.

Now that's all I can think of for this I hope you all injoyed it, have a marry Christmas, and splendid new year! Goodnight everybody!

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