Twentyfourth AU Idea: Lightbulb's folks

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Ok so this is kinda like samurai prince fan (another one of my fanfic ideas) in the fact a character has to see there family also lightbulb is trans 🏳️‍⚧️ anyway now with that out of the way on to the story :)

Ok so one day lightbulb gets a message from there "brother" nightlight (he's an egg) wrote that thanksgiving (or some kind of family thing) is soon and there dad decided to allow her to come this year (as you can probably guess the family had a fight after lightbulb came out as female)
Lightbulb visibly angry while reading the letter (which was a surprise to everyone there cuz I mean have you seen her? normally she's been rainbows and smiles!) she decides to accept the invitation and bring some of the lightbrights with her (main ship: poly lightbrights you can more if you want)

Now when they get there you know arguments insue after awhile after lightbulb's father Misgenders paintbrush and lightbulb gets made at him they yell stuff happens.

Not actually sure what else to put down so I'm just characterize lightbulbs family ——>

Nightlight: shy, trans egg (man -> girl), scared of there dad, similar to fan in interest, brother (sister) of lightbulb.
Copper coil: mother of lightbulb, slightly sexiest, thinks lightbulb is going through a "faze", great cook, devoted wife.
Glassbulb: father of lightbulb, sexist, manly man type of guy, embarrassed of lightbulb, metal worker by profession,

Welp that's all I got it's up to you now good luck 🍀:) and have fun

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