The First Date: Donatello

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(Y/N)'s POV

"How do you like your popcorn?" I yelled from the kitchen, opening up the bag of freshly popped popcorn and pouring it into a plastic bowl.

"There's ways to have your popcorn?" Donnie asked.

I walked into the living room and placed the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table in front of Donnie as he rummaged through my DVD collection. "Yeah, some people add chocolate, sour candies, pickles-"

"Pickles?!" Donnie gagged.

I laughed. "Let's try something basic to mix in." I then disappeared into the kitchen to find some candy. After a few minutes, I returned with a small bag of Sour Patch Kids candy and held it up for Donnie to see. His eyes darted between the popcorn and candy, unsure if he should agree. Rolling my eyes, I opened the bag and poured it into the popcorn.

"It's amazing! Trust me," I said as I sat down next to him on the couch. "Did you pick a movie yet?"

Returning his attention to the pile of DVDs splayed out on the coffee table, he grabbed two films and held them out to me. "I was thinking either The Fly or War of the Worlds, but I don't know which one I like more."

"I've actually never seen The Fly." I said.

Donnie let out a dramatic gasp, gripping my shoulders with his hands and shaking me back and forth. "What do you mean you've never seen The Fly?! It's amazing!"

He let me go suddenly, and I watched him aggressively open up the DVD case to the film and run to the DVD player to set up the movie.

"This will make up for you possibly ruining the popcorn." He said, his back still facing me as he fiddled with the DVD player.

I laughed and grabbed a handful of popcorn, shoving some pieces into my mouth. "More for me, then."

"If you've never seen it, why do you have it?" Donnie asked as he walked back to the couch.

I shrugged. "I like collecting things."

"I think that's called 'hoarding' actually- Ow!" Donnie rubbed his arm where I hit him and laughed, pushing me back lightly. I then grabbed a pillow from beside me and hit his arm again. I watched as he grabbed another pillow and hit me back, ultimately starting an intense pillow fight. We ran around the living room laughing and screaming as we dodged and swung at each other with pillows. At some point, Donnie ditched his pillow entirely and started chasing me around the room.

The chase soon left the living room, and I found myself running through all the rooms trying to escape him. I stupidly ran into my bedroom and tried closing the door behind me, forgetting just how strong he was. When I knew there was no hope in closing it, I jumped onto my bed and threw every pillow I could find, even going as far as throwing a stuffed animal or two at him. He laughed as he dodged and even caught some of them.

"Okay, I surrender!" I yelled, gasping for breath between laughs. I slowly got off the bed with my hands up. I watched as Donnie started walking around the bed towards me, and I decided to make a last ditch effort to escape and sprint towards the exit. I felt his strong arms wrap around me, lifting me off the floor and causing me to squeal in surprise. He tossed me onto my bed, and his hands started tickling me everywhere. I laughed uncontrollably, tears streaming down my face as I tried so desperately to push his hands away from me.

"Mercy! Mercy!" I cried.

Donnie pulled his hands away from me, laughing just as hard as I was. "Care to return to our movie date?" He asked.

Wiping the tears from my ears, I nodded and followed him back to the living room.

"Did you really think you could outrun me?" Donnie teased.

I raised a fist to punch him, but lowered it in shame when I remembered what had led up to the tickle attack in the first place. I rolled my eyes  and crossed my arms over my chest as I sat back down on the couch. "Just play your movie."

Donnie laughed and grabbed the remote, pressing 'Play' on the Menu of the film. He leaned forward to grab the bowl from the coffee table, eating a few pieces before he turned towards me with wide eyes.

"This is amazing!" He said, shoving more pieces in his mouth.

I giggled. "Leave some for the movie, Don!"

With cheeks stuffed like a chipmunk, he let out an embarrassed laugh and swallowed. He set the bowl back down onto the coffee table and laid back on the couch. "Sorry." He replied sheepishly.

Grabbing the small blanket that laid off to the side of the couch, I cuddled up towards Donnie and threw it over us. I felt him tense up a bit at first before relaxing and slowly wrapping his arm over my shoulders.


Okay, as a Raph girly, I had SO much fun writing this chapter??? Maybe Donnie should be my second favorite. I don't know. Sorry this was a little bit short, though. I did struggle a little bit on how to going about writing a movie date chapter, but once I got the ball rolling, that's when it started getting fun. Please leave a vote, comment, and share with your friends if you enjoyed it! And I will see you in the next chapter. Bye!

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