Changing Face: Donatello

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This scenario is inspired by @sparx4frisk


(Y/N)'s POV

I wandered the streets of New York aimlessly, unsure of where to find the specific brand of coffee Donnie likes to drink. He said he used to get it shipped from overseas whenever April would travel for work, but his supply has been dwindling down since her return. He never asked me to buy it for him, but I wanted to surprise him when I saw him tonight. I checked every store down my block, even stores that I knew were sketchy enough to import some things themselves. It was 6 PM with still no luck, so I decided to head back home before Donnie showed up.

On my way, I noticed a bright sign to my right that read "Amy's House of Costumes." In the display window, there were three mannequins dressed in different costumes, one of which had a black Death Hawk wig and all studded leather attire. I know I wanted to surprise Donnie when he came by, but who said it had to be a good one?

"How much for that costume?" I asked the store clerk as I walked in, pointing towards the punk costume behind me.

. . . .

Maybe I was a bit too confident in my approach because I left the store with fake tattoos, spray on hair dye, and a pack of fake nose jewelry. Why did I think I could afford that whole costume to begin with?

I basically ran home with my purchases, excited to execute this awesome plan. I threw everything on my bathroom counter and stripped off my shirt as to not accidentally get the hair dye on it. I knew it wasn't permanent and would wash off in the shower, but I really liked that shirt. I grabbed a thick strand of hair and shook the can a couple times before spraying, watching as the hair dye turned my (h/c) hair to bright pink. I gasped and let out a laugh, staring at the now pink strip of hair that rested on the side of my head. Feeling a bit ambitious, I decided to close my eyes and spray my entire head with the dye.

Donnie is going to freak!

After spending about an hour teasing my hair and spraying any areas that needed touchups, I looked at my hair and smiled. My hair was frizzy and tangled, sticking up in all directions from all the teasing and hairspray I used. I probably destroyed a part of the ozone layer with the amount of hairspray used for my prank.

I had just finished changing into the only black tank top I could find when I heard a knock at my window. Taking one last look over my fake piercings all over my face and tattoos on my neck and arms, I smiled and walked casually to my bedroom to unlock the window for Donnie.

The smile Donnie had as he stepped into the room quickly dissipated the second he saw me. It took everything in me not to burst out laughing right there. We stared at each other, but our expressions were polar opposites.

I smiled and spun in a circle so he'd get a view of everything. "What do you think?"

He couldn't stop staring at my hair as he spoke. "You look... different..." Donnie said.

"Do you like it?"

"No," Donnie blurted out, then he stuttered and shook his head. "I mean, it's not terrible. I-I don't mean to be rude, but don't you think it's a bit much?"

I faked a frown and furrowed my brows. "I just wanted a change for once. I accepted you, so why can't you do the same for me?"

He was silent for what felt like forever. Suddenly, Donnie stepped closer to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me in for a hug. I could hear the crunching of my hair beneath his hands as he tried to gently pat my hair, and I stifled a laugh.

"You're right, and I'm sorry. I think you have every right to express yourself." Donnie spoke softly into my hair.

I started shaking, using every ounce of my entire being to not laugh.

Almost immediately, Donnie placed his hands onto my shoulders and bent down to my level to see my face. "Oh, (Y/N), don't cry! I didn't mean to- Are you laughing?"

As if on queue, an enormous laugh racked my body, causing me to bend over and hold my stomach. My sides ached; tears streamed down my eyes.

"I can't believe you fell for it!" I exclaimed between gasps for air.

"What?" Donnie asked.

Wiping the tears from my eyes, I yanked out the fake piercings and held them up for Donnie to see.

"It's fake! The hair dye is temporary. I found it at the store!" I then took my thumb, licked it, and rubbed it across one of the tattoos on my bicep, watching as it smeared across my skin with ease.

Donnie let out a sigh of relief, and I smacked his arm with a laugh.

"Don't look too excited. What if I wasn't kidding?" I warned.

"I guess I'd have to learn to live with the rat's nest you call hair," he teased, picking up a matted strand of pink hair as he spoke. "How much did you even use for your hair?"

"Enough to cause global warming, I assume." I said nonchalantly.


"I'm kidding!"


Okay, I actually really like this request the more I write about it. At first I was worried I wouldn't know how to adapt from it, but I think it's really coming together! Feel free to send me any requests for scenarios, my PM is always open! Without further ado, please leave a vote, comment, and share with your friends if you enjoyed it! And I will see you in the next chapter. Bye!

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